1 year full time
Delivery mode:
Face to Face
Application due dates:
For information on the next course start date, request a call back.


Prepare yourself for employment or further study with a Certificate I in Transition Education 22567VIC at Victoria University Polytechnic.

This course is designed for young people with special learning needs. You will gain independence, become active members of the community, and explore future options such as employment, volunteering or further study.

This course will support your special needs, with a range of learning activities to develop valuable learning and social skills. You’ll explore:

  • independent living
  • personal development
  • vocational and employability skills
  • community involvement
  • working collaboratively with others
  • basic literacy and numeracy
  • use of everyday technology.

We’ll help you find the best option for you after leaving school, whether that’s employment, volunteer work or further study. When you finish this course, you’ll have the skills and confidence to take your next step.

Victoria University Polytechnic is a supportive place to study. We have disability support services and counselling services available to all students.

We also have a range of academic support programs that can help you if you are struggling with your studies.

We can help you with your assignments and assessment tasks, maths, writing skills and English language support, as well as showing you effective ways to study and manage your time and preparation. Our study support programs include:

  • workshops and study groups
  • student mentors and peer learning
  • maths and writing resources.

Our campus libraries offer career advice, academic resources and learning and IT support in relaxed lounge-like settings. You'll have access to photocopying, computing and printing facilities as well as electronic and print resources.

You'll have access to a rich collection of online resources at any time of the day or night, including databases, e-learning content for courses, student email, student software packages and social networking tools.

VU has one of the best campus-wide WiFi networks. We also have more than 4000 computers (PCs and Apple Mac) spread across our campuses. A central IT helpdesk is also available for support.

As part of Victoria University, Victoria University Polytechnic believes in inclusivity, diversity and opportunity. Studying with us means you’ll be learning in an environment that values community empowerment.

Victoria University received the highest rating of five stars for cultural diversity by the Good Universities Guide. Our students feel fortunate to learn in a setting that has such a rich representation of cultures.

VU also works to address refugee issues, tackle diversity and social inclusion issues and improve the health and social wellbeing of the region. We are proud of our cultural diversity initiatives and projects with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and Indigenous communities.

TAFE resources

VU Polytechnic's Transition and Work Education Program

Our Transition and Work Education Program is designed for young people with an intellectual disability. Students can gain independence, community awareness and practical employment placement.


Studying at Victoria University Polytechnic will improve your skills and confidence to help you transition into adult education or work. You'll be ready for entry-level employment (e.g. as a retail assistant), or further study to gain employment.

Studying this course will help you access further certificates in general education, further TAFE studies or other training or work opportunities. You'll be able to go on to study the following courses:

Course structure

To be eligible for the award of 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education, a total of 10 units must be completed consisting of:
- 6 core units
- 4 electives which may be selected from:
- any combination of electives from 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education curriculum
- up to 2 units may be selected from units first packaged in Certificate I qualifications in endorsed training packages or accredited courses
- units first packaged in a 'Course in..' in accredited curriculum.

VU Polytechnic delivers the electives listed in the ‘course structure and units’ below. These electives have been selected based on industry needs, graduate pathways and/or student and teacher feedback. Alternative suitable electives are only available via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT).

Core units


Standard Delivery


Industry - Futures Group

Elective for continuing students only

The Certificate I in Transition Education supports learners with a permanent cognitive and/or intellectual disability to become active participants in the community. The course assists learners in developing life skills and supports self-development so that learners can explore suitable future options such as employment, further study or community participation.
The outcomes of the 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education are consistent with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Level 1 through:

Developing knowledge of strategies to:
• identify personal goals for community participation or further learning
• develop independent living skills to participate in activities in the community
• identify information and resources about everyday activities such as travel, wellbeing and participation in recreational activities
• identify rights and responsibilities as community members

Developing skills to:
• develop a personal plan to explore different options
• access information and resources to support independent living skills and activities
• apply strategies for self development including participation in interpersonal relationships• use technology to access information and resources to support independent living skills and activities

Fees & scholarships

Fee type definitions

The amount you pay for your course depends on whether you’re offered a government subsidised place or a full fee-paying place.

Students who enrol in a:

  • government subsidised place pay subsidised tuition fees (the government contributes the rest), and may be required to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee along with any material fees
  • full fee-paying place pay the full fee tuition rate (which includes Student Services and Amenities Fee and any material fees).

Calculate your VET course fees.

Find out more about:

Scholarships & assistance

Apply for a scholarship to help with your study costs.

We can help with fee assistance and advice.

Admission & pathways

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee you entry into this course. Some courses receive more applications than the number of places available. In this situation we will also assess your education, work and other relevant experience.

If you do not meet the minimum requirements you may be eligible for one of our special admission programs.

Find out more about how to apply for our courses, and our commitment to admissions transparency.

Entry requirements

Entry to the 22567VIC Certificate I in Transition Education is intended for post compulsory school age learners with evidence of a permanent cognitive or intellectual disability.
All applicants must provide:
Evidence of permanent cognitive and/or intellectual disability could include but is not limited to:
- Formal assessment by a registered medical practitioner
- Doctors/specialist reports
- Attendance at a Specialist School / SDS
- Integration support at school
- Integration support at school with a modified curriculum
This evidence is provided at the point of application.
In addition, applicants are required to:
- complete a Pre-training Review (PTR)
- undertake a literacy and numeracy (LN) assessment to determine suitability for admission.

There are many ways you can start your education journey at VU. Pathways offer an easy transition between courses at different levels, so that you can start with a certificate and progress right through to postgraduate study.

Find out more about pathways and credits.

Use our credit calculator to find out how much credit you could get towards your course, based on your previous study.

You may be able to complete your qualification sooner through formal recognition of your existing skills. This is known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

To receive RPL, we assess your previous work, education and life experiences against recognised qualifications. Applications for RPL can be made prior to enrolling.

Call us on 1300 TAFE VP (1300 823 387) to discuss RPL options with the course manager.

How to apply

Prior to enrolment, all applicants will be required to complete a literacy and numeracy assessment to assist with determining eligibility and to identify learning support needs.

Applications for this course are not being taken at this time.

Browse our other VCE, preparation & English language courses or send us an enquiry to be notified of updates relating to this course.

Enquire now – TAFE

Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you shortly.

Information marked with an asterisk "*" is required.

Please note that if changes to this course occur, VU will notify students as soon as possible.

At Victoria University, we aim to display accurate and complete course information online. However, we are unable to guarantee that every course change is currently displayed. You may contact the University directly on +61 3 9919 6100 to confirm the most up-to-date course fees, pathways and credit transfer, recognition of prior learning, admission and enrolment procedures, examinations and services available to our students.