After decades of working alongside each other in the West, commUnity+ and Victoria University (VU) have committed to a partnership that will provide greater opportunities to our students, staff and the wider community.

commUnity+ is a multi-service provider driven by a core purpose - to extend a helping hand to those facing hardships or disadvantage, particularly in culturally diverse areas.

Through this partnership with VU, together we’re aiming to amplifying the voices of those diverse communities and strengthen education and employment pathways.

Top partnership facts


15+ VU student placements each year across commUnity+ services


3+ paid employment opportunities for VU graduates within commUnity+


Education pathways for commUnity+ program participants into VU courses

About commUnity+

commUnity+ is a pillar of support and inclusion for people of the west since its establishment in 1982. For over four decades it has strived to create positive change, growth, and empowerment through a range of early intervention and prevention programs.

Programs include high-quality adult education, Neighbourhood House and Legal Services through the Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre, as well as community engagement and development activities. Their clients are often people facing disadvantage and social exclusion, particularly communities new to Australia, vulnerable children and women.

A group of people standing outside, looking at the camera. A building with the commUnity+ logo on it.

VU and commUnity+ members standing outside of the commUnity+ Hub in Deer Park

Our collaboration

Our collaboration with commUnity+ presents a unique opportunity, to foster growth and development for students, staff and our shared community.

Through this partnership, VU and commUnity+ will focus on:

  • increasing VU student placements and internships through commUnity+ services in various fields, including Social Work, Youth Work, Law and Legal Services, Education, Community Development, Business
  • opportunities for students to collaborate on policy, advocacy and research projects, and events that support the community in the West
  • paid employment opportunities for graduating students with commUnity+ to support workforce need and improve student outcomes
  • education pathways for commUnity+ students into VU across higher education and VU Polytechnic courses
  • collaborating and co-participating in initiatives and events to support the community in the West.

Contact us

To find out more about this partnership, please contact:

Major Partnerships
Engagement & Advancement