Victoria University's (VU) campuses are open and welcoming staff, students and visitors in a COVIDSafe way. 

Latest updates

  • VU strongly encourages all eligible staff, students, and visitors to get vaccinated and maintain up to date vaccinations to help protect the community, your loved ones, and each other. 
  • Consider wearing a face mask indoors, especially if you can't stay 1.5m away from other people.
  • Practice good personal hygiene – Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, practice cough or sneeze etiquette and dispose of tissues in the bin.
  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, please stay off campus whilst you have symptoms.
  • If you have concerns: students should speak with their course coordinator first or can also talk with Student Services. Staff should speak with their manager.
  • You are no longer required to report COVID cases to the university, but if you return a positive Rapid Antigen Test or PCR Test – please let those people that you have had contact with know, so that they can monitor for symptoms.
  • If you need any further assistance, student should contact Student Services and Staff should contact your manager or People and Organisation Business Partner.

Safety first – our COVIDSafe plan

We take decisive action to help keep the VU community safe. Our key focus is always the safety, health and wellbeing of our students, staff and families, and the broader community.

Our decision making is guided by the directions and advice of the Australian and State Government, VU’s COVIDSafe Plan and our five COVIDSafe principles:

  • health, safety and well-being focused
  • nimble and quick
  • logical and evidence-based
  • hybrid approach
  • sensible and easy to understand.

Our COVIDSafe Plan presents a process for the gradual and safe transition to campus of all members of the University community in line with the Commonwealth government’s 3-step framework for a COVIDSafe Australia. Two groups regularly meet to discuss COVID process and strategy, forming our Governance teams: COVID Operations and COVID Executive Taskforce.

We have implemented a range of measures to ensure the safety of the VU community, including:

  • increased cleaning in public spaces
  • distributing hand sanitiser
  • displaying correct hand-hygiene posters throughout all campuses
  • encouraging social distancing
  • flexible work arrangements that allows working from home
  • a COVIDSafe induction module for staff and students
  • strongly encouraging vaccination and boosters
  • strongly encouraging fitted face masks indoors and in crowded locations

Whether you are in the process of being vaccinated, or eligible for a third or fourth dose, vaccination helps keep you and your loved ones protected from COVID-19. It is also an important step in the University’s safe activation of our campuses.

Victoria University staff, students and visitors are no longer mandated unless an industry-specific vaccination mandate applies to them. 

VU will provide support where possible to any students or staff that are impacted by coronavirus.

To assist us, students and staff who are able must report details of situations where they have had:

  • direct contact with a person who has a confirmed case of coronavirus
  • have had a test for coronavirus (positive, negative or no result back yet).

You must report a positive COVID-19 test.

You must also report a COVID exposure or close contact if you plan to attend campus within 14 days of the exposure.

You can also report your situation to or call +61 3 9919 6398.

The positive cases reported through our online form, and identified as infectious while on campus, are listed as on-campus COVID-19 exposure sites. Up to 7-days are recorded.

If anyone, student or staff, has concerns about the health status of another person at the University, they should contact Security who will arrange first aid assistance and follow appropriate protocols.

Security can also help with queries about unsafe facilities or on-campus environments.

To report concerns on campus, call +61 3 9919 6666.

For general enquiries relating to COVID-19, call +61 3 9919 6398.

Support for students & staff


You can access the student counselling services.

All of our regular channels of support remain open for students who need assistance: 

Staff & immediate family members

You can access free confidential counselling support through VU’s Employee Assistance Program Provider Access EAP:

Official government information & advice

Leading authorities have compiled a range of resources to keep us informed about coronavirus (COVID-19).

VU is continuing to closely follow advice from the Australian and State Governments in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19). We encourage you to view the following government sources for the latest and most up-to-date official information about coronavirus.

Coronavirus information in languages other than English

International student advice

A dedicated Victorian Government email and hotline has been set up for international students:

The following sources also provide advice and support to international students:

Official coronavirus (COVID-19) info & advice