We value and support our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual and gender diverse community.

The University's  LGBTIQA+ & Gender Diverse Strategy 2020-2023 outlines our ongoing commitment to inclusion for the LGBTIQA+ and gender diverse community.

Pride Peers

Pride Peers contribute to the University’s progress towards a thriving place to study and work, underpinned by the Strategic Plan 2022-2028.

We are key support contacts for staff and students who need guidance or support. Pride Peers reflect the diversity of the LGBTIQA+ and gender-diverse community in the best way we can, bringing many and varied perspectives to the issues in this space.

Pride Peers are committed to understanding homophobia in the work and learning environment, and the broader community. We understand the barriers experienced by the LGBTIQA+ and gender-diverse community. We provide confidential and safe support to staff, and act as a sounding board or reference group on matters that may impact the LGBTIQA+ community.

Name Area Primary campus location
Frances Atkinson Media & Corporate Communications Footscray Park
Building K
Marian Cronin Equality, Inclusion & Belonging Footscray Park
Building K, K528
Charlton Quitoriano College of Sport, Health and Engineering St Albans
Tessa Benson Service Centers and Student Advisory Footscray Park
Building M, M239
Andy Ackerly Academic Staff St Albans
Grace Mugford Learning Hubs St Albans
Library, Level 2, Building 7
Karina Ireland Midwifery St Albans
Stuart Martin Student Wellbeing Footscray Park
Building M, Student Wellbeing Level 2
Eko Hermawan Alumni & Development Footscray Park
Building K, K526
Sara Austin Equality, Inclusion & Belonging Footscray Park
Building K, K528
Rochelle Lepper Moondani Balluk Footscray Park
Heather Marsh Equality, Inclusion & Belonging Footscray Park
Building, KK528
A group of smiling people in rainbow clothes with Victoria University logos

We provide safe, welcoming and confidential support to our LGBTIQA+ communities.

Pride network

The Pride Network is composed of staff who identify as part of, or are allies for, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual and gender diverse community. Pride network members contribute to VU’s LGBTIQA+ and Gender Diverse Action Plan, and meet regularly to organise events and opportunities that increase the visibility of the community.

Executive Director, Institute for Health & Sport Prof Alex Parker is the Executive Sponsor of the Pride Network and is a strong advocate towards LGBTIQA+ inclusion at Victoria University. For further information about the Pride Network, please email pridenetwork@vu.edu.au.

Students are invited to get in touch with VUSU's LGBTIQA+ Officers.

Sponsor and Chairs:

  • Executive Sponsor, Prof Alex Parker
  • Co-Chair, Tessa Benson
  • Co-Chair, Kathleen Butler
  • Co-Chair, Andy Ackerly

Members include:

Be U at VU

Students and staff can now update their chosen first name, chosen last name, pronouns, and affirmed gender. It's all about making sure the way you're addressed at VU reflects who you truly are.

As a current student, you can make this change in your MyVU profile under "Chosen Details”. Staff can make these updates in VU People First

Visit the chosen name, pronouns and gender page for more information.

  • MyVU
  • VU Collaborate
  • VU email address
  • Class lists
  • VUHQ/Student administration support

Later, this will also include:

  • Placement applications
  • VU email correspondence
  • VU mobile app

Gender affirmation at VU

We support trans and gender diverse staff, students and their peers, to ensure full participation in the work and study environment, enabling access to appropriate assistance.

What is gender affirmation?

Gender affirmation is a personal process where a trans or gender diverse person implements steps to live as their defined or affirmed gender identity, rather than the gender assigned to them at birth. Gender affirmation may involve social, medical/surgical and/or legal steps that affirm a person’s gender.

This process may include:

  • Social affirmation, which can involve a number of changes to the way you identify outwardly. This may include: changing names and pronouns, trying new clothing and hairstyles, using your voice differently, and tucking and binding body parts to name a few. Social affirmation may involve trying new or different clothing. All staff are supported to dress in a way which best reflects their gender identity, including transgender, gender diverse and non-binary staff. In the workplace, professional dress standards apply to staff, regardless of gender.
  • Medical affirmation, which involves medical interventions such as hormones or surgery
  • Legal affirmation, which can involve changing your legal gender marker and name in official documents and records to live as your defined gender(s).

Supporting resources

For further information or support on gender affirmation, contact inclusionbelonging@vu.edu.au.

More on inclusion & understanding

Other ways you can promote inclusion and understanding for the trans and gender diverse community:

We also recommend watching:

External Recognition & Membership

Our commitment to supporting LGBTIQA+ staff and students has earned VU Silver employer status in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI), the national benchmark on LGBTIQ workplace inclusion. 

We are a member of Pride in Diversity, who provide training and consultancy to assist VU in developing our LGBTIQA+ awareness and support in the workplace.

Students and staff at the 2023 Midsumma Pride March.

Facilities at VU

Pride rooms

Pride rooms and community spaces are located across VU campuses:

All-Gender facilities

A number of all-gender facilities are available to staff and students across VU campuses. All staff, students and visitors have the right to use toilets and other facilities appropriate to them.

Guide to All-Gender Facilities.