Women's World Cup 2023 - news & opinion

The Women’s World Cup, being held in Australia and New Zealand is the biggest sporting event in the world in 2023. With a potential reach of two billion people, it presents an amazing opportunity in football and in sport, particularly for women and girls.

At Victoria University we are working in research, partnerships and engagement across a range of initiatives to build on the momentum of this event to create lasting change for women in sport, removing barriers to participation and leadership.

World-class research

The Institute for Health & Sport (IHES) provides the platform for VU's world-class research, addressing real-world problems of local, national and global relevance in both health and sport, across four key areas of research focus:

  • Clinical & community health & wellbeing
  • Healthy & inclusive communities - Sport, physical activity & culture
  • Mechanisms & interventions in health & disease
  • Sport performance & business.

Victoria University’s Olympic Research Network (ORN), established in 2021, is endorsed by the International Olympic Committee and the Australian Olympic Committee, and one of 53 Olympic Studies Centres located around the world. There are also centres in Sydney and Brisbane, and all three work collaboratively to foster academic insights into the Olympic Movement.

VU researchers were recognised for their global standing in the latest Australian Research Council Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) results, with our human movement and sport science research receiving the highest rating of 5 (well above world standard).

Our $68 million high-technology facility is accessed by students, researchers & professional sports teams. The range of facilities include:

Sport courses & teaching

Victoria University is one of Australia's most recognisable sport universities.

We have an outstanding reputation in sport, exercise science, health and fitness, gained through our extensive offering of sport-related courses and world-class facilities.

Also unique to VU is our significant research and partnerships, as well as our leading academic staff.

We have the largest number of students enrolled in sport courses, and more sports industry partners than any other university. We also have the most graduates working in the sport industry.

Industry engagement

We have affiliations with over 350 professional sporting bodies and employers to deliver better and faster employment prospects, grow our applied and translational research opportunities, drive further opportunities for commercial endeavour and actively contribute to community health and wellbeing.

These partnerships benefit our students through placement opportunities and industry-relevant curriculum development, as well as the broader VU community through collaborative research and programs dedicated to improving health and wellbeing. Our students in our exercise science courses also have access to internal and external placements through our Clinical Exercise & Rehabilitation (VUCER) placements program. During placement students get hands-on experience with real clients in the student-run exercise & rehabilitation clinic.

Some of our partners include:

Sport participation

Our sport infrastructure allows for sport participation from grassroots involvement through to the preparation for and assessment of elite sport performance.

We are focused on:

  • developing Footscray Park campus as the heart of a Maribyrnong Health, Sport and Active Living Precinct through partnerships with sport, government and community
  • improving and expanding existing VU sport facilities and developing new facilities to enrich the staff and student sport experience at VU
  • growing and strengthening programs for student and staff participation in enhancing their wellbeing through sport.

Sports inclusion for Indigenous people with a disability, particularly women

Resources for sport organisations to improve access to sport for people with disability, in particular people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds. Key resources include:

  • Winyarr Ganbina – Women Arise: Insights to create inclusive communities for people with disability (video)
  • Outback Academy Australia – Red Dust Heelers: Checklist for an Inclusive Community Sports Organisation

This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

Sport strategy

We have strong ambitions to be Australia’s leading sport university and a global leader in sport. The VU Sport Strategy, 2019-2023: From Grassroots to Elite will drive us to achieve this ambition.