We work with principals and school leaders to support and enhance learning with a future focus.

AVID – learning support program
AVID Australia (Advancement via Individual Determination) partners with schools to provide high-quality, professional learning programs.
The programs continuously upskill teachers with evidence-informed high impact teaching and learning approaches.

VU First Year College®
The VU First Year College® is a multidisciplinary college specialising in the teaching of First Year students and units at VU.
The College is staffed with experienced teachers who also undertake regular professional learning to improve the craft of teaching.
VU First Year College® is ready to partner with your teachers to learn, share and evolve practice. They can customise their offering to suit your schools’ context.

Mitchell Institute - Education policy
The Mitchell Institute for education and health policy at VU provides insights and thought leadership to inform government conversation and drive policy.
Their research can provide education opportunities between VU and your school.

Moondani Balluk - Aboriginal student support
Moondani Balluk is a culturally safe and supportive place for Aboriginal students at VU, providing financial advice and pastoral care.
The Moondani Balluk partners with schools to identify enrolment options and pathways to further study at VU through one-on-one consultations and school visits.

Partner with us
Contact schoolpartnerships@vu.edu.au to start exploring how we might partner together or for more information on any of our programs.