The west of Melbourne is recognised as the fastest growth corridor in Australia. The VU and Western Health partnership contribute to community development and growth in the west with education, training and optimum health care delivery.
Our emphasis on service to the community is further demonstrated through our commitment to educate future generations and build a sustainable workforce. Of note is the drive to enhance total patient care by supporting and providing pathways for staff to embrace personal, developmental and organisational change and opportunities.
We recognise the importance of providing education opportunities for staff, and aim to ensure education and training is equitable and accessible to all employees. We believe in providing staff with the opportunity for continuous learning and development through research and innovation.
To address the learning needs of staff, VU has unique learning programs that account for a variety of potential study barriers, including:
- prolonged absence from study
- capacity to participate in a contemporary IT-based learning environment
- current social, working and economic status of participants.