Victoria University is an Australian government registered provider of tertiary education.

As a tertiary education provider it offers higher education, vocational education and secondary education courses and complies with all commonwealth and state regulatory bodies.

Victoria University operates under the Victoria University Act 2010. This Act replaced the Victoria University Act of Technology Act 1990 which created the University. The Acts sets out the objects, powers and functions of the University.

Higher Education

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) regulates and assures the quality of Australia's higher education sector.

TEQSA registers all higher education providers in Australia including self-accrediting universities.

Following the University's application for renewal of registration in March 2020, TEQSA has determined, under Section 36(1) of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (Cth), that registration of Victoria University as a higher education provider be renewed for a period of seven years, until 14 October 2027 in the provider category of 'Australian University.' VU's TEQSA Provider Identification is  PRV12152.

VU's registration details are listed on the TEQSA National Register.

Vocational & Further Education

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia's vocational education and training sector.

ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

See the standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Registration information

Victoria University is registered with ASQA and has been granted re-registration until 30 June 2029. Details of VU's Registration with ASQA can be viewed at (TGA).

RTO Code 3113
Legal name Victoria University
RTO type University - Government
ABN 83 776 954 731
ACN 079 529 089

Vocational Education & Training quality indicators

Victoria University conducts a learner questionnaire designed to measure several areas of education and training, as per national guidelines.

Senior & Foundation Secondary Education Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) – Vocational Major & Victorian Pathways Certificate

The Victorian Registration and Quality Authority (VRQA) is the state regulator for Victoria’s school education sector. VRQA regulates all providers of senior secondary education to ensure approved quality standards are met.

Victoria University’s registration for the provision of senior and foundation secondary education is valid until 31 December 2024.

Principles & practice of Australian democracy

Victoria University Polytechnic is committed to the principles and practices of Australian democracy in all its operations:

  • Elected government
  • The rule of law
  • Equal rights of all before the law
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of speech and association
  • The values of openness and tolerance.

Course performance reports

Standard 4: Participation rates, completion rates, student outcomes and access to further education and work after leaving the program.

The VCE Vocational Major and the Victorian Pathways Certificate are new courses that commenced in 2023. Course performance reports will be provided following completion of the first student cohorts.

See Victorian Pathways Certificate