If your child is in their final years of high school, it's a great time to start thinking about how you can support them as they consider their future career and explore study options.

Easing the transition to university

We know you want the best for your children, and so do we. That's why we developed our revolutionary VU Block Model.

The VU Block Model offers your child:

  • one unit delivered at a time to maximise learning potential
  • consistent support and guidance (with the same teacher for each unit)
  • regular and ongoing feedback before completing all assignments
  • practical, hands-on learning to graduate ready for work
  • flexible timetables to offer them a balanced study and personal/work life.

Achieving success early in study is important for your child’s long-term confidence. By putting their needs first and easing their transition to tertiary study, your child will become a confident, independent learner and graduate ready for an exciting career.

Find out more about how the VU Block Model works.

Why tertiary study is a good idea

Whatever your child sees themselves doing in the future, further education may be the best way to get there.

If your child does not intend to apply for a tertiary course, here are a few reasons why they might want to reconsider their decision:

Tertiary study doesn't just have to mean taking a traditional bachelor degree. They may also wish to consider studying a pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, certificate or diploma course through our TAFE division, Victoria University Polytechnic.

If your child is uncertain of their end goal, our flexible study options and pathways can facilitate easy transition between our courses at different levels.

VU - a great choice for your child

At VU, you can be confident that your child will have access to the latest industry-relevant curriculum, flexible study options and accomplished teaching staff who have earned us high global ranking and a reputation for world-class research.

VU is one of the most industry connected universities in Australia. This means that our courses are designed with your child's future employability in mind. Our students graduate work-ready and are valued by employers in their fields.

VU graduates have been awarded:

  • AOs and OAMs
  • International Student of the Year
  • Postgraduate International Student of the Year
  • Victorian Young Achiever of Year
  • Young Victorian of the Year.

Our graduates have also gone on to become:

  • AFL coaches and players
  • CEOs
  • State Treasurer
  • actors
  • authors
  • indigenous leaders
  • international cabinet minister
  • international government advisors
  • inventors
  • mayors
  • members of parliament
  • renowned thought leaders and educators
  • scientists and engineers at Google, CSIRO and NASA

and many more exciting careers.

Top 2% in the world

VU is ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2024)

High-earning alumni

VU graduates earn the second highest full-time wages in Victoria (QILT Graduate Outcomes Survey).

Work-ready graduates

Employers rate VU grads among top 10 unis nationally for work-readiness (QILT Employer Satisfaction Survey).

How to support your child

One of the best ways you can help your child is to be informed about the different study choices available to them.

To find out the latest information:

If your child's ATAR was lower than expected, our Foundations at VU course may provide them with an alternative pathway into tertiary study.

Your child may also be eligible to apply for our VU Guaranteed program. Through this new initiative, students from participating schools can apply for a guaranteed early entry place at VU or VU Polytechnic.