This unit (BPD3100) is the third unit in the Business Challenge stream covering three broad areas of specialised business knowledge, internationalisation, personal attributes and professional skills. This is a capstone unit which focuses on the development, demonstration and application of students skills around the themes of leadership and challenge provides a thematic link from the Business Challenge stream as well as business specialisations. In this unit, students will demonstrate their understanding of the business environment and the knowledge and skills required for professional practice. The assessments emulate professional practice by combining multi-disciplinary, simulation and research based projects. Projects may be located in the workplace, the community or on-site and may be supported by Alumni and Business Mentors as Project Managers. Students will critically evaluate their personal and professional skills and how these can be used to support business and personal decision making. In a workplace setting students will be able to examine issues of problem identification, planning and problem solving strategies. Students will be able to reflect on the transition from academic to workplace environments and reflect on their career plans. The unit will provide flexibility through a choice of three capstone challenges; research challenge, discipline challenge and multi-discipline challenge. Students will select the challenge that best positions them for entry into the workforce or further study. The research capstone challenge is structured with progress reporting, presentation and final research artefact. The research challenge will be an individual task suitable for final year undergraduate study.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


BPD2100 - International Business Challenge

Students must also have successfully completed a minimum of 16 units. Does not apply to students completing; BBCO Bachelor of Commerce (Applied Finance), BBLC Bachelor of Commerce (Applied Finance)/Bachelor of Laws, LHLC Bachelor of Laws(Honours)/Bachelor of Commerce (Applied Finance)

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Exhibit initiative and inter-disciplinary professional acumen through the structure of an inquiry-based scenario, scoping researchable and achievable solutions to complex, contemporary emerging problems;  
  2. Anticipate, scope and creatively resolve complex business problems across diverse contexts, and apply problem solving strategies within a problem solving framework;  
  3. Effectively argue decision-making and recommendations using oral and written skills, through pitch presentations, business presentations, discussions and reports on a range of complex business issues;  
  4. Plan, execute and evaluate entrepreneurial and/or research activities as responsible and ethical professionals proposing sustainable practices;  
  5. Work individually and/or collaboratively with others, in addition to critically evaluating and responding to their own performance and that of others; and  
  6. Reflect on and conceptually map their learning in relation to study and career choices, personal skills, attributes, interests, motivations and commitment to lifelong learning.  


Melbourne campuses

Students studying under the VU Block Model.

Assessment type Description Grade
Report Group Project Scope Outline 15%
Review Individual Evaluation of Team Progress 15%
Report Group Business Report (inclusive Reflection) 40%
Presentation Draft 5%, Business Pitch 25% 30%

Other locations

Assessment type Description Grade
Project Business or Research Project Management 20%
Review Peer Review and Reflection 15%
Presentation Pitch/Final presentation to specialist and non-spec audience 25%
Report Business Report or Research Report 40%

Required reading

Strategies for creative problem solving 3rd Ed
Fogler, HS, LeBlanc, SE, & Rizzo, B, 2014
Prentice-Hall Ed., New Jersey.

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.