This unit (BCO6676) will provide students with a framework for analysing and interpreting the efficacy of business intelligence systems, from the provision of high quality, integrated data for decision support through to data warehousing. The unit focuses on the lifecycle of developing a business intelligence system and data warehousing, and on multi-dimensional modelling for structuring business intelligence data contextualised within organisational issues and governance considerations. Students will engage with this material to develop a critical interpretation and justification of theoretical propositions and professional decisions using relevant contemporary research, case studies and practical exercises The latest industry standard data warehouse will serve as a point of reference.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Evaluate the scope and application of business intelligence and decision support and the underlying technologies;  
  2. Design multidimensional data models and implement them using star schemas;  
  3. Investigate and review the various extraction, transformation and loading methods utilised in a data warehouse environment;  
  4. Critically review the various reporting solutions supported by data warehouses;  
  5. Evaluate the maintenance and performance requirements and associated tasks in a data warehouse environment;  
  6. Design governance mechanisms for the development and management of business intelligence and data warehouse systems, justifying recommendations in the context of an organisation or organisation typology; and  
  7. Productively mediate processes in group activities and elucidate personal accountability and responsibilities for shared outcomes, and collaboratively communicate complex concepts to a variety of audiences.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Test Multiple Choice Test 20%
Assignment Short Answer Written Assignment 15%
Assignment Practical Exercise 15%
Examination Examination 50%

Required reading

SAP BW 7.4-Practical Guide,
Palekar, A., Patel, B. and Shiralkar, S., 2015,

SAP Business Intelligence,
Shabazz T. 2012,
Outskirts Press Parker, USA

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.