This unit (BCO2000) examines the modelling of fundamental business processes within an organisation, and the importance of these processes in the organisations functioning. Students will begin by undertaking a process view of organisations and the use of modelling techniques to describe those processes. In particular students will examine Sales and Distribution, Procurement, Fulfilment and Manufacturing Management and how these processes interact. Students will examine industry standard information systems and products used to support these processes and additionally will examine the roles of the different stakeholders, the data and forms used in the processes, the flow of activities in completing the processes and how an information system supports a business process.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


BCO1102 - Information Systems for Business

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Map the process interactions between various organisational functional structures annotating how fundamental business processes including Sales and Distribution, Procurement, Fulfilment and Manufacturing Management generate information;  
  2. Investigate how information is distributed and used within an organisation;  
  3. Articulate how contextual analysis informs personal interpretations or conceptualisations of relatively complex business process modelling problems;  
  4. Analyse how an information system is used to support business process improvement; and  
  5. Develop and present the models and clear, coherent documentation necessary to support a business process, to meet the business and cultural requirements of a specified organisation.  


Melbourne campuses

Students studying under the VU Block Model.

Assessment type Description Grade
Presentation Group Presentation - Business Processes Theory 20%
Assignment Business Process Modelling 25%
Assignment Business Process Application 15%
Test In-class Test 40%

Other locations

Assessment type Description Grade
Assignment Business Processes Theory 25%
Assignment Business Process Application 20%
Assignment Business Process Modelling 15%
Examination Final Examination 40%

Required reading

Processes, Systems & Information Global Edition VitalSource eText (2ed.)
McKinney, E. H., & Kroenke, D. M. (2014).
USA: Pearson Higher Ed.

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.