It might be a while since you were a uni student. Or perhaps you never were one and jumped straight into the workforce (go, you!).

Either way, you may have more worries and questions about today’s uni experience than your child does. That’s why uni Open Days can be a parent’s greatest resource when it comes to helping your child decide on the right course and institution for them.

Here is a list of your must-do activities for the day.

1. Focus on your child's strengths & interests

Is your child unsure what they want to study? To help them figure it out, uni open days can be a great start.

Before the day, it's a great idea to take a look at uni websites and plan out a few areas to explore. Narrow down a list of your child's academic strengths and areas of interest, so you can choose which study areas might be a good fit.

Think of any questions you want to ask - you'll have the opportunity to talk to teachers at Open Day, so make a list and tick them off!

Open Day is a great time to get all your questions answered.

2. Plan out your day

Once you've got an idea of which study areas you want to find out more about, take a look at the open day timetable and plan out all the activities you want to do.

The VU Open Day website lets you build your own day planner to make sure you cover all the things on your list and get the most out of what's on offer.

Once you both learn more about what's on offer, you’ll discover so many other exciting choices!

Help your child discover all their choices.

3. Money matters

Don’t let potential study costs add to your child’s stress over exams and assignments.

Open Day is the perfect opportunity to get the financials of uni understood – from Commonwealth Supported Places and HECS-HELP loans, to voluntary repayments, student services fees and more.

You’ll also find information about scholarships your child may be eligible for, as well as opportunities for student employment and employability services on campus and beyond.

4. Will the nest be empty?

You might not want to think about it (or maybe you can't wait) – but many first year uni students decide it’s time to leave the family home for a room or apartment of their own. 

To help make the transition a safe and easy one, be sure to find out about the residential areas surrounding the uni campus, as well as the housing services the uni offers, including VU's secure student accommodation.

5. Take time to smell the coffee

Don’t forget to relax and enjoy Open Day with your child. Break up your session times if it helps to digest information, and chat about what you’re learning as you go.

This is a wonderful time to bond with your child before they venture off into the big wide world – and you’ll get a taste of the fun that’s in-store for them in uni life.

And you never know – this could be the next step for you taking the leap into further studies yourself!

Register now for VU Open Day 2023

Don't miss out on the chance to discover everything VU has to offer your child at VU Open Day 2023.

Experience the VU Block Model, find out about hundreds of courses, check out world-class facilities and chat to our friendly teachers and students.

Register now for VU Open Day on Sunday 20 August at Footscray Park and 27 August at City Campus.