Victoria University (VU) is proud to support 'Racism. It Stops With Me', a national campaign led by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

"Racism. It Stops With Me" invites all Australians to reflect on what they can do to counter racism wherever it happens, and to recognise we all have a responsibility to make a difference.

The campaign aligns with our vision to be open and excellent, to create an exceptional experience for all students from all backgrounds, and engage with the communities in which we operate.

Campaign aims

"Racism. It Stops With Me" aims to:

  • ensure more Australians recognise that racism is unacceptable in our community
  • give more Australians the tools & resources to take practical action against racism
  • empower individuals & organisations to prevent & respond effectively to racism.

VU initiatives

VU has initiatives in place to support the campaign.

Find out more at the Racism. It Stops With Me website.

We can stop racism - videos

These videos are produced by the Australian Human Rights Commission. The scenarios depicted in the Commission’s 2017 Community Service Announcements highlight casual or everyday racism in a work environment and in the provision of goods and services. The people who experience racism in these CSAs are an Aboriginal man and a woman with an African background.

Independent research has found that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with an African background frequently experience racism at work or while using public services such as transport. The Commission’s own data supports those findings.