It’s Open Day season!

Unis are getting ready to launch their Open Days to give you their inside scoops – and so are we.

This year, VU has two big Open Day events in store for you. On Sunday August 20, we’re kicking things off at our Footscray Park campus, and we’ll follow that up with City Campus on Sunday August 27.

Open Days are a fantastic opportunity to get a vibe for campus life, explore your course options and get all your questions answered – so as well as getting ready to have fun, it's a great idea to do some prep beforehand too.

You can add all the sessions you want to attend to your personalised VU Open Day planner tool, and we’ve also compiled a handy list of how to make the most of your day (or days!)

Before you go

  1. Make a list of courses or study areas you're interested in – browse through what we offer.
  2. Register online to confirm your place (and don’t forget you’ll go in the draw to win a $2000 prize* if you register and attend!)
  3. Check out our campus maps to plan your route around the event – and find out what your best transport options in and out are.
  4. Figure out your logistics and read the online info carefully: when you register, we’ll direct you to the best Open Day event of the two for you depending on your interests (or we’ll see you at both!)
  5. Create your game plan! Our personalised Open Day planner tool allows you to design your own day with sessions all timetabled for you, so you don’t miss a thing.
  6. Prepare a list of questions for teachers, students and admissions staff who'll be there on the day (we’ve suggested some below...)

*T's & C's apply

Shortlist information sessions based on what you're interested in studying.

On the day

1. Pack smart

Make sure you have the following with you on the day:

  • your phone – we recommend installing the VU app, which will provide easy-to-access maps of buildings, bathrooms and accessibility features
  • ​your Open Day A4 brochure – we’ll give you this as you enter and it will be a handy run-down of how to get around and what to see
  • a pen
  • details of events you plan to attend – have that timetable info handy!
  • a carry bag for papers, course guides and brochures
  • an umbrella (it is Melbourne in winter – good to be prepared)
  • a bottle of water is always a great idea – but we’ll have your coffee and snack needs sorted!

2. Get the lowdown from those in the know

Open Day is a perfect setting to pick the brains of teachers, students and industry contacts.

Our students and staff will be on hand at our info stands, sharing their experiences and the ins and outs of courses – they’re there to answer all your burning questions.

Also make sure you head to our Placements & Partnerships Hub on the day where you can learn all about how we connect you with opportunities in your industry, and help you step into your dream career.

What to ask students

  • What are some of the best things about studying here?
  • What do you think of the VU Block Model?
  • What do you wish you’d known before you started studying?
  • Can you tell me about what support is available if I struggle a bit?
  • Tell me about your favourite/least favourite subjects, and why you like them?

What to ask teachers

  • How many hours in class are there?
  • How long is the course?
  • How many hours of study and reading outside class is required?
  • How is the course assessed?
  • Is there a double degree option?
  • Are there pathway options in and out of this course?

What to ask industry reps

  • Do you offer work placements or internship programs for students?
  • Are you a partner that has a presence on campus?
  • What is the predicted growth in this industry over the next 3 to 5 years?
  • What's a typical day in the life in this particular industry/job like?
  • How can I make myself stand-out for employment in this field through non-uni achievements (like coaching, volunteering or community work)?

3. Tackle the tough questions

On Open Day, you can meet course and careers advisers and staff from student administration and admissions for all the important information about getting into a course.

Make sure you find out about:

  • admission criteria, including auditions, interviews or portfolios
  • prerequisite VCE subjects or scores - many of our courses have no ATAR requirement
  • our multiple entry points throughout the year
  • the number of places available
  • the likelihood of second-round offers
  • scholarships you may be eligible for.

Also ask us about alternative entry schemes and opportunities to transfer between courses. For example, VU Guaranteed is an early-entry offer scheme, where you can confirm your spot at VU before you even finish exams.

VU also has numerous pathways between TAFE and higher-education courses, and many courses will let you use past study and skills credits to complete your course earlier.

4. Explore the campus, surrounds – & opportunities abroad

In-person Open Days are a great opportunity to check out student libraries and computer labs, campus employment, leadership opportunities, student clubs and facilities. At VU Open Day, you’ll also be able to check out our vibrant surroundings in both scenic Footscray Park and the heart of Melbourne’s CBD.

Consider things like accessibility by public transport or car, study assistance offerings and accessibility services support. And let’s not forget the fun stuff like the cafés, restaurants, nightlife, shopping and community hubs in the area – both Footscray and the CBD are bustling with all of the above.

And, don’t miss the chance to find out about exciting study abroad destinations on Open Day too – visit our Study Abroad info stand for full details.

5. Apply on the spot

Don’t want to wait? You could even get a conditional offer on the spot, if eligible – head to our VU Guaranteed and Admissions & Enrolments stands on the day for more information!

See you at Open Day!


Open days are the perfect place to have all your questions answered.

 two female students talk to staff members on open day

Teaching staff can give you valuable tips on getting into your course and succeeding at uni.