Victoria University (VU) is open to new students, and we welcome you to apply for the course of your dreams. We are open and COVIDSafe for on-campus learning and online learning.

Our flexible delivery allows for safe in-person learning, as well as online real-time and self-paced classes where needed.

If there is any change to the way your course is delivered, we'll let you know via your student email, so please check it regularly.

Admissions are operating as normal – so if you're ready to get started, find your course and enrol now.

Applications & course start dates

Yes. Refer to the latest advice from VCAA and VTAC, which will be updated with the current advice for your specific situation.

Yes, as per other experiences or illnesses that impact your attendance or performance. At VU, we also provide special consideration for our current students.

VU is working closely with the relevant assessment authorities on possible solutions should the current situation become ongoing and impact your Year 12 results. As more information becomes available, you will receive information from your school and VTAC or VCAA.

Contact us to book a 1-1 consultation, email or call.

Email: AskVU

Phone: +61 3 9919 6100

Classes & study

VU is working to ensure that the achievements of students and staff in adapting to the conditions we face throughout this pandemic are reflected in our ongoing delivery modes for the future.

These delivery modes are:

  • In person: Your unit or classes will be delivered on the campus you have enrolled in. The timetable will display “On Campus” and provide the room where the classes will be held and you will physically attend those classes. All learning activity delivered on campus will continue to be run under strict COVID-19 safe practices.
  • Online real-time: Your unit or classes will be delivered online using Zoom. The timetable will display “Online Real Time (ZOOM)” and you will attend scheduled classes remotely through Zoom classrooms.
  • Online self-paced: You will participate in learning activities online over that period but not at a set time. You will be able to conduct these activities at a time that suits you, providing those activities are completed by the required time. Your timetable will display “Online Self-Paced”.
  • Hybrid: Part of your unit will be delivered in person on the campus you have enrolled in, with the remainder delivered in an online mode. The timetable will state which classes or activities in the unit will be delivered on campus and which classes or activities will be online, in either real-time or self-paced mode.

Your unit will show whether it is delivered wholly online real time, online self-paced or in person. If your unit is delivered in Hybrid mode, each class within the unit will show whether it is delivered in person or online. Please be sure to check all the individual classes in your unit.

Find out more about recent changes to course delivery.

You will still attend the same VU Block Model® classroom environment as our previous on-campus delivery mode – but you’ll attend it online.

Lecturers will present material through screen-sharing via scheduled video conferencing on Zoom Classrooms and WebEx Classrooms.

There will still be a small number of students in your virtual classroom, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, get feedback and interact with classmates.

We can’t be sure at this time, given the uncertainty and evolving nature of the coronavirus epidemic. We will continue to follow government directives and only return to on-campus class delivery when it is based on the recommendations of the Chief Health Officer from the Department of Health.

VU will provide information to help you transition to online learning. This includes video content and online orientation, available through email communications and VU Collaborate.

Visit the changes to course delivery page for more information about our course delivery.

VU Polytechnic is still taking applications for most courses. These will be delivered in online classes, or in-person where necessary and possible.

Read our information for VU Polytechnic students.