The unit provides students with both in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical understanding of the administrative functions that support the professional management of sport facilities and sport events. The unit will focus on elements of planning, design, management, and delivery. Special emphasis will be given to risk management, security and safety, service quality, and performance evaluation. The unit will be structured around case analysis and problem-solving utilising class discussions.

Unit details

Online Real Time
Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Critically review conceptual and theoretical frameworks of strategic planning, operational management, service delivery, performance evaluation with specialist knowledge and expertise within sport facility and event management;  
  2. Conceptualise and contextualise theory, technical knowledge and skills in diverse contexts that underpin the effective management of sport facilities and events;  
  3. Conduct research and analyse information with clarity and judgement in order to both anticipate and creatively solve problems related to the management of sport facilities and events; and  
  4. Adapt knowledge and skills to make decisions that provide inclusive, sustainable, and culturally relevant sport facility and event services.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Other Weekly discussion board contributions (9 x 5%) (first due in session 3) 45%
Poster Strategy for Sport Facility Management & Operations 20%
Report Event research report 35%

Required reading

Sport facility operations management: A global perspective (2nd Edition) 3rd edn
Schwarz, E. C., Hall, S. A., and Shibli, S. (2019)
Oxford UK/Routledge

Managing sport facilities and major events 2nd edn
Schwarz, E. C., Westerbeek, H., Liu, D., Emery, P., & Turner, P. (2017).
Oxford UK/Routledge

Where to next?

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