This unit (BHO2434) provides a detailed study of consumer buying behaviour, both cognitive and behavioural, as well as purchasing processes and the factors which influence them. The unit includes the understanding of characteristics of individuals, groups and organisations and their influences on purchasing and consumer behaviour, market structures, double jeopardy and duplication of purchase. Students will develop capacities to address complex marketing problems and to facilitate effective marketing decision-making through their engagement with a range of theories and frameworks associated with consumer behaviour. Students will engage with a range of team-based and individual learning activities including practical problem solving and case study analysis, online learning activities, peer review and self-reflection.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


BHO1171 - Introduction to Marketing

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Reflect upon the relationships between the concepts of behaviour and attitudes, and examine their application to consumer behaviour;  
  2. Discriminate between the cognitive and behavioural theories of consumer behaviour;  
  3. Conceptualise the forces underlying major consumer trends in diverse local and global markets;  
  4. Determine the patterns of purchasing behaviour based on the behavioural models of the Double Jeopardy Effect and the Duplication of Purchase Law;  
  5. Apply a broad range of cognitive frameworks and behaviourist patterns of purchasing behaviour to real-life consumer behaviour situations in order to address complex marketing problems and facilitate effective marketing decision-making; and  
  6. Evaluate the capacities of marketing strategies to succeed in diverse local and global communities by taking into account alternative theories of consumer behaviour.  


Melbourne campuses

Students studying under the VU Block Model.

Assessment type Description Grade
Test Online Multiple Choice Quiz 15%
Test In Class Test 15%
Report Group Report and Video 30%
Test In Class Test - Short Answer 40%

Other locations

Assessment type Description Grade
Test Multiple Choice Quizzes 15%
Test In Class Test 15%
Report Group Report and Presentation 30%
Examination Final Examination 40%

Required reading

Consumer behaviour (1st ed.).
Hoyer W., Maclnnis D., Pieters R., Chan E. & Northey G. (2018).
Asia Pacific Edition: Cengage Publications Ltd.

ISBN: 978-0170362016 Essential articles for reading for this unit are available on VU Collaborate or through the library.

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.