This unit (SSC2003) introduces students to the concept, theories and practical implications of physical conditioning for a range of athlete abilities across a broad spectrum of land-based sports. Learners will explore the knowledge and practical application of speed training for athletes from beginner to advanced levels.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Use cognitive skills to review, analyse, consolidate and synthesise knowledge pertinent to current theory and research of speed training, reaction, acceleration, maximum speed, speed endurance;  
  2. Review the fundamentals of running and agility mechanics, as well as rationalise and demonstrate knowledge of applied drills;  
  3. Elucidate the key features of aerobic endurance systems;  
  4. Rationalise a broad and coherent body of knowledge within a range of strength training exercises and flexibility formats; and,  
  5. Analyse and advise the key features of mobility, warm-up/cool-down and recovery to a variety of key stakeholders.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Practicum Tests x 3 @ 10% each 30%
Portfolio 1.Visual Coaching Pro or other exercise program 10%; 2.Exercise workbook 20%; 3.Post class activities (H5P) 10% 40%
Practicum PIL – Conditioning program: In teams, students will design, develop and implement a specific conditioning program. 30%

Where to next?

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