In this unit students will develop and apply practical outdoor education program planning and logistics skills. There will be a focus on conceptual ideas and theoretical underpinnings of programming and logistics within the context of designing outdoor education programs implementing hard top camps, journey-style and extended length expeditions. Comprehensive risk management planning and implementation will be a feature of the studies. The unit will allow students to explore programming theories, logistics strategies and problem solving through review of practical examples. The relevance of planning an outdoor education program throughout the assessments will provide students with the knowledge of industry standards, conceptual understandings, practical skills and ability to safely implement programming and logistics for a variety of programs. This unit (SOL3001) complies with industry standards and requirements as established by the Department of Education and Training, and the Australian Adventure Activity Standards administered by the industry peak body Outdoors Victoria.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Contextualise the programming, logistics and purposes of outdoor education programs using hard top camps, journey-style and extended length expeditions;  
  2. Justify planning and problem solving strategies for programming and logistics in a field based setting;  
  3. Analyse industry appropriate scenarios for effective programming and logistics outcomes; and  
  4. Compose and evaluate an industry appropriate programming and logistics plan.  


Due to risk management and professional/industry requirements to demonstrate knowledge and skill within both simulated and workplace environments, graded attendance and hurdle tasks apply to laboratory work and practicums.
Assessment type Description Grade
Test Online Quiz 10%
Laboratory Work Scenario Assessment 30%
Assignment Program Planning Assessment 30%
Presentation Presentation and Discussion 30%

Where to next?

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