In this unit students will acquire advanced theoretical knowledge, critical analytical and practical skills which can be applied to investigation and resolution of complex problem solving scenarios. The unit material has been developed to enhance students' communication skills, individual and group project participation, and promote the objectives of Planetary Health and other professional capabilities important to the national electricity market and regulation principles. The unit includes an overview of the regulation principles governing the management of electricity markets. Whilst the principles are general, they are demonstrated through the specifics of the National Electricity Market. The role of workplace OH&S regulations governing the supply and delivery of energy to the end user is considered. Students are exposed to authentic work relevant issues that underpin the regulation principles governing the management of electricity markets that supply and deliver energy to end users. Further, the unit covers the role and requirements of workplace Occupational, Health & Safety.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Critically review the categories of market participants and compliance obligations, and role of the governments, COAG (Council of Australian Governments), and MCE (Ministerial Council on Energy);  
  2. Implement specialist recommendations by the regulators, AEMC (Australian Energy Market Commission), AER (Australian Energy Regulator), jurisdictional regulators;  
  3. Survey and critique of electricity markets;  
  4. Implement a specialist review of the role of market and system operators, AEMO (Australian Energy Market Operator);  
  5. Analyse the Australian Energy Market Agreement and various legislative and regulatory instruments including the National Electricity Law and Rules (economic and technical requirements);  
  6. Employ specialist review of the economic regulation of Network Service Providers including setting of revenues, incentives and network access regimes; and  
  7. Collaborate with others with responsibility and accountability for own learning in planning, problem solving and decision making in professional practice.  


A pass must be achieved in each assessment item to complete the unit.
Assessment type Description Grade
Laboratory Work Simulation Reports 30%
Project Individual Project Report 20%
Project Group Project Report 30%
Presentation Group presentation and contribution 20%
Examination requirements are normally explained in advance.

Where to next?

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