In this unit students will acquire advanced theoretical knowledge, practical and critical analytical skills which can be applied to implement integrated urban water management (IUWM) and water sensitive urban design (WSUD) approaches, and decentralised and communal water, wastewater and stormwater systems. The unit material has been developed to enhance students' communication skills, individual and group project participation and other professional capabilities important to practice as an Engineer. In order to enhance and extend specialist knowledge required in the discipline of IUWM, this unit provides an overview of integrated urban water systems incorporating centralised, decentralised, hybrid and water sensitive urban design approaches/ systems. The unit will include the application of fit for purpose alternative water resources; sustainability assessment of IUWM approaches covering economic, environmental and social criteria; application of multi-criteria decision approaches. The students will apply these approaches in greenfield, infill and existing developments. The students will learn the application of MUSIC, Urban Volume and Quality (UVQ) and Tank models for the quantitative assessment of IUWM approaches. In addition this unit covers conceptual water infrastructure design approaches, life cycle costing and the application of life cycle assessment outcomes for the quantitative assessment of IUWM. The students will also learn about the role of decentralised systems in the transition of current centralised systems to a more sustainable state with the application of IUWM.

Unit details

Study level:
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Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of various water, wastewater and stormwater servicing options;  
  2. Evaluate alternative water servicing options using multi-criteria decision assessment methods;  
  3. Develop the operational and maintenance requirements of planned systems;  
  4. Contribute to the planning and design guidelines and methods of systems at various scales;  
  5. Critically apply knowledge skills to apply local planning guidelines, policies and regulations; and  
  6. Plan and design integrated urban water management systems (IUWM).  


Assessment type Description Grade
Assignment Individual Homework Problems 25%
Project Project Report 25%
Test Tests (Individual) 50%
The tests focus upon the individual student's ability to demonstrate his or her in-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline, apply established engineering methods to complex engineering problems, and the fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources, as defined in Engineers Australia competencies 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 2.2. In addition, the tasks assess the student on the individual components of Learning Outcomes (LO) (1 to 6) which are not assessed within the assignments and project.

Where to next?

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