This unit (LCR7002) will examine the intersection between security, surveillance and risk within criminology. With a background of criminological theory, the course will explore issues such as 'the risk society' and global security/insecurity. The role of surveillance by states, individual and groups nationally and transnationally will also be explored, as a complement to security and risk, to explore themes of "threats". The course will also integrate the responses in the national and international contexts. Students will gain insight into the current state of security, surveillance and risk, paired with significant examples.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Critically review cryptographic algorithms such as DES, RSA and security standards;  
  2. Survey and investigate specific security issues in networked computing environments;  
  3. Analyse the security of computer systems, networks, databases, websites and e-business;  
  4. Propose advanced solutions to prevent hacking, impersonation, forging;  
  5. Design and implement protocols to protect networks against hacking.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Test 1,000 word (Individual) 15%
Poster 3,500-word (Group) 45%
Presentation 15-minute presentation (Individual) 40%

Required reading

Understanding the risk society: Crime, security and justice.
Mythen, G. (2014).
Macmillan International Higher Education.

Where to next?

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