In this unit of study students will draw from knowledge gained in the foundational midwifery units to continue to explore pregnancy and childbirth through a health and wellness model of care. The focus will be on the woman and her family incorporating a holistic approach of woman-centred care. The unit will focus on students' acquisition of essential skills such as neonatal resuscitation. Cultural diversity and safety will also be examined in relation to optimising wellness in childbearing women and their families, with a focus on acknowledging the birthing practices and needs of Australia's First Nations people. This unit (HMB2002) will also analyse contemporary midwifery social-political and legal concepts.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


HMB1001 - Foundations of Midwifery and

HMB1002 - Fundamentals of Midwifery and Nursing and

HMB1003 - Midwifery and Nursing Professional Practice Experience and

HMB2001 - Pathophysiology and Medications for Midwives

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Investigate and interpret the provision of woman-centred holistic care in healthy women's experiences of pregnancy, labour and birth and the early parenting period;  
  2. Contextualise the provision of women's birthing care within diverse cultural populations;  
  3. Intellectualise and exhibit enhanced midwifery practice skills including the safe use of medications and the use of technology in contemporary midwifery practice;  
  4. Analyse emerging socio-cultural issues affecting midwives' scope of practice with reference to their worldview of childbearing and maternity services; and  
  5. Exhibit appropriate therapeutic communication with women within a holistic framework and communicate care plan using intraprofessional and interprofessional communication skills.  


The assessment tasks align with the learning outcomes and graduate capabilities. In the first assessment, students will source a piece of contemporary midwifery news and post a critical evidence-based analysis of the article on the discussion board. For the second assessment, students will submit a written paper that will critically review the implications of informed consent, woman-centred care and the impact on their professional practice. In the third assessment, students will complete a Midwifery skills assessment, including interpretation of Electronic Foetal Monitoring (EFM) of the unborn baby. The last assessment is an online medication competency test in which students are required to achieve 100%.
Assessment type Description Grade
Review Written critical evidence-based discussion post (300 words) 10%
Essay Written Essay on consent and scope of practice issues (1200 words) 40%
Other Midwifery skills assessment, including interpretation of EFM of the unborn baby 50%
Test Medication administration – open book self-directed (hurdle) 0%
To gain an overall pass in this unit, students must attend 85% of all practical laboratories and clinical simulation for essential skill development as per ANMAC expectations and are required to complete and/or submit all assessments. Attendance requirements for midwifery skills laboratories and simulated-learning laboratories are integral to safe midwifery practice and preparing students for midwifery practice experience. Any absences and non-submissions must be supported with documentation to the unit convenor. To gain an overall pass in this unit, students must submit all assessment items, and achieve an aggregate score of 50%. To pass this unit, students must also achieve 100% for the medication administration test (hurdle). Accuracy in medication administration is an absolute requirement for safe midwifery practice. Students have 2 attempts at the medication administration test. Weighting will be awarded based on the student's final attempt.

Required reading

Skills for Midwifery Practice 4th ed. AU & NZ ed.
de-Vitry Smith, S., Bayes, S., Johnson, R. & Taylor, W. (Eds.). (2019)
Elsevier: Chatswood, New South Wales

Midwifery: Preparation for Practice 4th ed.
Pairman, S., Tracy, S.K., Dahlen, H.G. & Dixon, L. (Eds.) (2019)
Elsevier: Chatswood, New South Wales

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.