This unit (HMB2001) will extend knowledge on pathophysiological, principles and disease processes, illustrating their relationship to a range of common acute and chronic disease conditions, relevant to midwifery practice. This knowledge will contextualise optimisation of health and wellness for women during pregnancy and birth with the administration of safe and appropriate medications. Pharmacokinetics of maternity medications are investigated in the context of women's and babies' needs with a focus on students applying clinical decision-making strategies for the safe administration of medications within their scope of practice.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


HBM1001 - Anatomy and Physiology 1 and

HBM1202 - Anatomy and Physiology 2 and

HMB1001 - Foundations of Midwifery and

HMB1002 - Fundamentals of Midwifery and Nursing

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Contextualise the pathophysiology of health conditions related to childbearing and identify evidence-based paths of care for women to optimise health and wellness;  
  2. Critique pathophysiological conditions of women during childbearing using an evidence-based approach;  
  3. Elucidate the principles of pharmacological interventions in the care of women;  
  4. Debate safety and efficacy issues of medications pertaining to childbearing women within the context of pregnancy, intrapartum and the early parenting periods; and  
  5. Exemplify clinical decision-making skills to problem-solve potential complications with applied medication management in maternity care.  


The assessment tasks are developmental supporting students' use of critical thought processes. Tests in Weeks 1 and 2 of block comprise multiple choice questions that assess knowledge on pathophysiology, pharmacokinetics and laboratory work. The Discussion Board posts for Assessment Two entail students contributing their understandings of a pregnancy-related health condition with students responding to posts assessed with a reflective learning rubric. This informs students' ideas, concepts and reflections when writing the case study that contextualises pathophysiological health conditions and applied medication management to a specific scenario of a woman and her unborn baby's care. This links to the Portfolio assessment piece where students will be directed to share key messages from their case studies through the duration of the block.
Assessment type Description Grade
Test Multiple choice questions- Week 1 (10%) and Week 2 (10%) 20%
Other Written post and students responses to peers’ posts (600 words) 20%
Case Study Response to case study linking pathophysiology and pharmacotherapeutics to women’s care (1000 words) 30%
Portfolio Compilation of: Key insights from case studies including appropriate and safe use of medications. 30%
To gain an overall pass in this unit, students must submit all assessment items, and achieve an aggregate score of 50%.

Required reading

Physiology in Childbearing with Anatomy and related Biosciences 4th ed.
Stables D. and Rankin J, (2017)

Midwifery : preparation for practice 4th ed
Sally Pairman, Sally K Tracy, Hannayh G Dahlen, Lesley Dixon, (2019)
Chatswood, NSW, Elsevier Australia

Required midwifery medication readings will be made available in VU Collaborate.

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.