This unit (HMB1002) expands on the content of Foundations of Nursing 1 and Foundations of Midwifery. Students will also draw on knowledge gained in the Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 units to undertake comprehensive and systematic health assessments. Such assessments inform implementing evidence-based interventions and with health outcomes documented using digital health records. This unit will further develop foundational nursing and midwifery skills (e.g medication administration, asepsis, basic life support, simple sterile dressings, intramuscular injections). The unit introduces foundational knowledge of labour, birth and post-birth care for the woman and her baby using a woman centred approach. It will include an examination of maternal nutritional requirements and oral health and how best to support women's lactation choices. Emphasis is placed on students exploring the role of the midwife in supporting the woman experiencing physical and psychological pain across the phases of the childbearing journey, including strategies to support women and their families experiencing bereavement and perinatal loss. Students will examine holistic health needs of an individual's maternity and/or nursing care with attention to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, other cultures and people of diversity. The principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics will be introduced to embed foundational concepts in the quality use of medicines. Students will continue to follow the two recruited women in the Continuity of Care program commenced in Foundations of Midwifery unit, until the post birth/early parenting period concludes.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


HBM1202 - Anatomy and Physiology 2 and

HMB1001 - Foundations of Midwifery and

HNB1102 - Foundations in Nursing 1

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Exhibit knowledge and critically reflect on the use of clinical reasoning skills in professional practice and therapeutic communication including woman-centred and patient-centred care across the lifespan;  
  2. Exemplify safe midwifery and nursing foundational clinical skills;  
  3. Exhibit safe midwifery practice during pregnancy, labour and birth care including assessment of the woman and her newborn, knowledge and assessment of non-pharmacological and pharmacological pain management options;  
  4. Advocate for and critically reflect on support of individuals' choices for women's maternity care and people seeking general health care; and  
  5. Implement accurate and safe medication administration.  


The assessment tasks link to the learning outcomes and graduate capabilities. In the first assessment, students will undertake critical reflection of case-based scenarios to exhibit their knowledge of health assessment related to human body systems. For the second assessment, students will submit a report articulating how clinical reasoning is used to develop nursing or midwifery care plans, and critically reflect on how these are utilised in professional practice. Such reflection encompasses promoting the use of evidence based safe patient/woman-centred care and exploring the legal requirements of contemporary professional documentation. The third assessment comprises students participating in a group presentation to critically appraise a contemporary midwifery topic. The final assessment is a face-to-face practical skills test that enables students to exemplify safe practice in the midwifery/nursing laboratory setting, prior to undertaking placement in the practice setting.
Assessment type Description Grade
Test Multi choice and short answer (25 Questions; 60 minutes) 20%
Report Written report (1000 words) 30%
Presentation Group presentation (30 minutes) 30%
Test Medication administration – open book self-directed (hurdle) 0%
Practicum Practical Skills Assessment 20%
To gain an overall pass in this unit, students must attend 85% of all practical laboratories and clinical simulation for essential skill development as per ANMAC expectations and are required to complete and/or submit all assessments. Attendance requirements for midwifery skills laboratories and simulated-learning laboratories are integral to safe midwifery practice and preparing students for midwifery practice experience. Any absences and non-submissions must be supported with documentation to the unit convenor. To gain an overall pass in this unit, students must submit all assessment items, and achieve an aggregate score of 50%. To pass this unit, students must also achieve 100% for the Medication administration test (hurdle). Accuracy in medication administration is an absolute requirement for safe midwifery and nursing practice. Students have 2 attempts at the Medication administration test. Weighting will be awarded based on the student's final attempt.

Required reading

Skills for Midwifery Practice 4th ed. AU & NZ ed.
de-Vitry Smith, S., Bayes, S., Johnson, R. &Taylor, W. (Eds.). (2019)
Elsevier: Chatswood, New South Wales.

Midwifery: Preparation for Practice 4th ed.
Pairman, S., Tracy, S.K., Dahlen, H.G. & Dixon, L. (Eds.) (2019)
Elsevier: Chatswood, New South Wales.

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.