In this unit, students commence learning about the woman-centred care philosophy that underpins midwives' practice with women during childbearing. A woman centred approach is linked to the unique context of women's experiences of childbearing journey with an emphasis on health and wellness. The midwives' practice role in facilitating women's maternity care will be examined from international, national and local perspectives. Students explore views and experiences of childbearing for women grounded in the concepts of diversity and cultural safety with emphasis on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women's health needs and choices for birthing. Students will develop skills in therapeutic communication, health assessment and the provision of high quality and safe prenatal care. Holistic health assessment and care of the woman and her baby during pregnancy are introduced with a focus on normal physiological adaptions in pregnancy, maternal nutrition and oral healthcare. In this unit, numeracy skills learnt in the Foundations of Nursing unit are linked to learning about safe administration of oral medications. Students will also commence the Continuity of Care program, recruiting two (2) women and undertake 24 hours observational placement with midwives to gain insights into, and reflect upon, the role and scope of practice of midwives in women's maternity care.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


HBM1001 - Anatomy and Physiology 1 and

HNB1102 - Foundations in Nursing 1

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Analyse using a woman-centred approach, concepts related to health, wellness and the health care experience during childbearing, within the context of social health models;  
  2. Apply appropriate professional oral and written communication in care, documentation and handover;  
  3. Critique underpinning principles of midwifery clinical assessment and care during pregnancy, including holistic assessment of the woman and her unborn baby's wellbeing;  
  4. Apply theoretical principles of quality use of medicines to ensure the safe practice and administration of oral medications; and  
  5. Exemplify safe and reflective professional practice while undertaking both Midwifery Practice Experience placement and the recruitment of two women for Continuity of Care Experiences.  


The assessment tasks link to the unit's learning outcomes and graduate capabilities. In the first assessment (Part A) students will submit a written piece to Identify the key attributes of therapeutic and professional communication integral to building partnerships with women they work with in practice. Following written feedback, students submit a second written piece (Part B) to build on Part A that uses critiquing skills to investigate and apply the assessment principles and practices of the midwifery role in facilitating woman-centred care. The second assessment is a practical skills demonstration conducted face to face. The Practice Portfolio is used to record evidence of recruitment of two women for Continuity of Care experiences, observational hours undertaken in the practice setting and reflections on observational practice experience. Interim Professional Practice Performance Appraisal - meeting goals for placement on Midwifery Practice Placement in Practice Portfolio (formative - post 16hrs in Antenatal clinic). Final Professional Practice Performance Appraisal on Midwifery Practice Placement in Practice Portfolio (summative reviewing goals for placement with support from clinical educator- at end of 40 hour placement).
Assessment type Description Grade
Assignment PART A Identify the key attributes of therapeutic and professional communication (700 words) 30%
Assignment PART B Investigate and apply the principles and practices of midwifery and woman- centred care. (700 words) 30%
Other Practical skills assessment 20%
Portfolio Reflections related to observational practice experiences (500 words) 20%
Test Drug Calculation – open book self-directed learning (hurdle) 0%
Practicum Interim Professional Practice (Performance Appraisal in Midwifery Practice Portfolio) 0%
Practicum Final Professional Practice Performance Appraisal in Midwifery Practice Portfolio 0%
To gain an overall pass in this unit, students must attend all practical laboratories for essential skill development as per ANMAC expectations and are required to complete and/or submit all assessments. Any absences and non-submissions must be supported with documentation to the unit convenor. Students must also achieve 100% for the drug calculations test (hurdle). Accuracy in medication administration is an absolute requirement for safe midwifery and nursing practice. Students have 2 attempts at the drug calculation test which is delivered via an online learning package.. Weighting will be awarded based on the student's final attempt. This test assesses the foundational numeracy skills necessary for medication calculations. Student support will be facilitated via the Learning Hub and Self Directed Learning Lab. Students must complete 40 midwifery practice experience hours and achieve the grade of pass in the Interim and Final Professional Practice Performance Appraisal for Midwifery. A pass/fail grade is awarded for professional practice as performance on placement is assessed against the Midwife Professional Standards criteria (NMBA). Supplementary assessment is not available for the Professional Practice Performance Appraisals. Students must also submit evidence of two women recruited as part of the Continuity of Care program.

Required reading

Skills for Midwifery Practice 5th ed. (AU & NZ ed.)
de-Vitry Smith, S., Bayes, S., Johnson, R. & Taylor, W. (2022)
Elsevier: Chatswood, NSW

Midwifery: Preparation for Practice 4th ed.
Pairman, S., Tracy, S.K., Dahlen, H.G. & Dixon, L. (Eds.) (2019)
Elsevier: Chatswood, NSW

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.