This unit (HFB3001) will allow students the opportunity to apply their skills as practically and culturally safe clinicians. Students will have the opportunity to apply, integrate, consolidate and extend their theoretical knowledge and practical skills gained from earlier years, in relation to complex yet commonly experienced patient conditions. This unit will further student knowledge and understanding of paediatric and agitated patients, using contemporary and evidence-based best practice. The focus will be on safe, evidence-based pre-hospital assessment and management of these patients, through to hospital procedures. This includes pathophysiology, the safe use of pharmacotherapies and incorporating relevant aspects of the National Safety and Quality Health Service standards. The unit will also extend the student's knowledge, exploring a variety of jurisdictional clinical practice guidelines, the developing role of extended care in the out-of-hospital environment and clinical reasoning and critical decision making. Students are encouraged to participate in safe and effective written and verbal communication and critical, self-reflection throughout the unit, to allow for continued student development.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


HFB3134 - Paramedic Clinical Practice 5 and

HFB3130 - Paramedic Clinical Science 4 (Mental Health and Mental Illness) or

HFB3004 - Mental Health and Illness

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate competency in safely assessing and managing patients and critically reflect on modifications required across a range of complex conditions;  
  2. Articulate and demonstrate the mechanism of action and the safe and correct management of appropriate non-pharmacological and pharmacological agents, including evaluation of use and outcomes;  
  3. Evaluate and analyse a variety of extended scopes of paramedic practice, in order to develop and expand students' knowledge, critical thinking, clinical reasoning and understanding of evidence-based practice; and  
  4. Justify evidence-based clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills through a case-based learning approach.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Test Scenario based MCQ Assessment (60 mins) 10%
Practicum OSCE – Skills (30 mins) 20%
Practicum Self-directed Learning 30%
Practicum OSCE – Scenario (45 mins) 40%
Knowledge, skills and values developed in this unit will be assessed through a knowledge test, skills Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), SDL and a scenario OSCE. Throughout SDL the observation of satisfactory skill performance in accordance with the HBPD skills matrix, is required. To obtain a Pass grade or higher, all components of assessment must be attempted and passed. This ensures students can demonstrate evidence of safe practice, including medication management. Additionally, laboratory (clinical practical) classes require mandatory attendance of at least 80% attendance, except under extenuating circumstances. This is due to the unit containing a significant competency component, enabling students to acquire and demonstrate essential skills to meet threshold graduate capabilities for a paramedic graduate (VU Standards for Assessment Procedure (HE) Policy clause 25, 26, 29).

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.