This unit (CPCCBL3009) specifies the skills and knowledge required to use various materials for flashings and damp proofing. It includes installing vertical and head flashing to windows and doors and stepped and tray flashing to parapets. This unit applies to bricklayers or blocklayers who work on new and existing structures. It is suitable for people operating with some autonomy. A person working at this level would be expected to take responsibility for organising and completing tasks assigned to them without needing close supervision. Completion of the general construction induction training program specified by the model Code of Practice for Construction Work is required for any person who is to carry out construction work. Achievement of CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry meets this requirement.

Unit details

Study level:
Vocational and further education (TAFE)
Unit code:


CPCCWHS2001 - Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

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Assessment tasks will be designed to reinforce and extend knowledge and skill competence within set and controlled parameters in accordance with each unit's learning outcomes and performance criteria requirements, including the setting of work based practical application tasks designed to provide evidence of competence outcomes, within periodic and scheduled timelines. Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills: *install damp proof course (DPC) in a cavity brick or masonry veneer construction, which includes internal and external corners *install window and door head and stile flashings to a cavity brick or masonry veneer construction *install stepped and tray flashing to a masonry wall at roof abutment or to a chimney at the roof line *install flashing to a masonry parapet *comply with flashing and damp proof course standards, codes and manufacturer's specifications. Students will also be expected to demonstrate the following knowledge: *characteristics, applications and limitations of specified materials used for flashing and damp proofing: - aluminium sheeting - copper - bituminous sheeting - emulsions - lead and polyurethane sheeting - polythene sheeting *processes and techniques for: - damp-proofing to provide a barrier to moisture movement - flashing to divert the travel of moisture - stepped and level flashing for parapets and gables - dressing, fitting and building in various flashings *construction terminology relating to flashing and damp proofing *functional and operational features of plant, equipment and hand and power tools: - battery operated tools - workplace safety: *working at heights - exposure to silica - exposure to loud noise - hazardous manual handling - hazardous materials *current and relevant standards and building codes relating to flashings and DPC *key requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC) relevant to installation of flashings and damp proof course *features of working drawings and specifications *environmental requirements for workplace processes and waste disposal.

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

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