This unit (BMO3323) is designed for the Human Resource Management specialisation of the Bachelor of Business. Students explore and critique employee relations issues, mainly in the Australian context. It includes an overview of the economic, legal and social elements of the employment relationship. This especially involves understanding the parties, their relationships with the industrial environment, the impact of legislation and the nature of dispute settlement. Students learn via simulated exercises, case studies, discussion around questions and class topics. Further, there is a practitioner perspective also included in the sessions. Topics include the context of Employment Relations (ER), theoretical perspectives, trade unions, management, the state, legislation and other issues in relation to ER.

Unit details

Online Real Time
Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


BMO2000 - Human Resource Management

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Identify the major Employment Relations (ER) functions and the key influences impacting employee/employer behaviour and underpinning factors;  
  2. Critically analyse and evaluate key processes of ER at the workplace level and their relationships to organisations;  
  3. Investigate a range of ER approaches, evaluate the benefits of each of their appropriate implementation;  
  4. Critically discuss, analyse and evaluate the current ER trends and their impact on the parties, processes and rules of Australian ER; and  
  5. Exhibit individual responsibility and accountability for contributing to group outcomes.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Review Critical review of an article 15%
Research Paper Organisational research 15% and Role Play 10% 25%
Presentation Group Presentation (group presentation 15%, group slides 15% and individual peer critique 10%) 40%
Case Study Individual Case Study (x2) presented in class 20%

Required reading

Employment Relations: Theory and Practice, 4th edition,
Bray, M, Waring, P & Cooper, R 2018,
McGraw Hill, NSW.

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.