The aim of this unit is to examine the meaning and practices of tourism planning and sustainable destination management and its relationship to economic, physical and human environments in the context of destination competitiveness. Students will critically reflect on a variety of planning and management techniques at various stages for the development of sustainable tourism destinations at the global, national and, regional levels. Students will compare, critique and develop plans and management strategies to maximise the benefits and minimise the costs of tourism development, and which result in sustainable outcomes. Students will engage in a range of learning activities including analysis of contemporary travel articles and academic sources, practical problem solving sessions, case study analysis, online learning activities, peer discussion and review, and self-reflection. Student learning will be guided and assessed by means of a business report, a test and a final examination

Unit details

Online Real Time
Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Elucidate the roles and relationships of the key stakeholders involved in the sustainable and equitable planning, development and management of diverse destinations;  
  2. Devise, advocate and justify strategies for sustainable tourism planning and management as applied to different destinations;  
  3. Critically reflect on management of the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts of tourism to achieve equitable and sustainable outcomes in local and global communities;  
  4. Draw upon a broad range of academic and industry publications to compare and critique tourism planning and sustainable destination management approaches in diverse settings; and  
  5. Create a professional sustainable tourism development business report.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Test Multiple Choice Test 20%
Report Prepare a Business Report (Group) 40%
Examination Final Examination 40%

Required reading

The Competitive Destination: A sustainable tourism perspective.
Ritchie, JRB, and Crouch, G.I., (2003).
CABI Publishing

Where to next?

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