The aim of this unit is to focus on marketing planning and strategy. Marketing strategy is fundamentally concerned with understanding changing market and environmental landscapes, with a view to identifying trends and new business opportunities. The ability to develop sustainable, long term strategies to meet future demand depends on a rich understanding of the direction for change and the underlying drivers of those changes. The unit introduces students to strategic analysis and planning, strategic research methods and advanced written communication skills used to present complex reports.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


BHO1171 - Introduction to Marketing

BHO2434 - Consumer Behaviour

BHO2265 - Integrated Marketing Communications

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of marketing strategic thought;  
  2. Compare, contrast and critically evaluate marketing managerial and strategic approaches to strategy formulation;  
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of alternative theoretical frameworks;  
  4. Analyse trends and identify growth opportunities in marketing; and  
  5. Formulate and recommend appropriate marketing strategies for creating competitive advantage.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Test Multiple Choice Test 20%
Case Study In-class, open book case study scenario based 30%
Report Marketing plan report (Group) 35%
Presentation Marketing plan presentation (Group) 15%

Required reading

Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage 3rd ed
West, D., Ford. J, Ibrahim, E. (2015)
Oxford University Press

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.