This unit (ACF2006) of study aims to develop practical skills and conceptual insights in drawing and painting. Students will take part in an intensive series of studio-based classes incorporating a range of art materials; materials include charcoal, coloured chalk, ink and wash, watercolour and acrylic paint on canvas. Theoretical and conceptual discussions including consideration of broader art historical contexts inform students' understanding of contemporary art practices of drawing and painting. Practical studio projects and structured discussions with constructive critique of the artworks produced: develop and explore observation; identify and demystify the processes involved in making drawings and paintings; and encourage experimental, innovative and conceptual approaches.

Unit details

Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


Students enrolled in course code ABAB and LBLA must complete at least 72 credit points (equivalent to 6 units) in Year 1 before undertaking any Level 2 units.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Interpret and engage creatively with practical drawing and painting projects using a range of materials and art production techniques;  
  2. Analyse the qualities of works of art and articulate this effectively to others verbally and in writing; and  
  3. Practise the principles of sustainable, safe professional studio practice for effective collaborative and individual artistic production.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Creative Works Creative Work Part A 15%
Creative Works Creative Work Part B 35%
Research Paper Analysis of two works of art from a major exhibition 30%
Journal Visual diary practical work and visual literacy exercises 20%

Where to next?

Study a single unit

This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree. Learn more about single units of study at VU.

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