This introductory unit seeks to give an overview of sociology - an introduction to how we might go about 'thinking society' in a systematic and disciplined way. This unit (ABA1003) examines processes of social change and offers the opportunity to critically examine social issues and explore questions of social and cultural identity. It looks at how that theory might be applied to specific areas of investigation and research. The unit aims to equip students with the ability to distinguish a sociological approach from other possible approaches to information, social situations, issues and problems; to recognise and experiment with different theoretical frameworks within sociology; and to begin to apply a range of critical analytical skills to a variety of contemporary social arrangements and social issues.

Unit details

Study level:
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Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Reflect on the nature of sociological approaches to problems, as distinct from other forms of inquiry;  
  2. Develop contextual understandings of contemporary life in a global community;  
  3. Outline different theoretical approaches within the broad discipline of sociology;  
  4. Apply theoretical tools and concepts offered within the discipline of sociology and to recognise and experiment with their applicability to problems and practices beyond the classroom; and  
  5. Demonstrate a familiarity with academic conventions of documentation and referencing.  


Assessment type Description Grade
Exercise Short reflective writing exercises responding to class materials and activities (600 words). 30%
Assignment Short Essay (800 words) 30%
Assignment Sociological Imagination Project (1200 words) 40%

Where to next?

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following courses. Refer to the course page for information on how to apply for the course.

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