Hello! Or as the Aussies say, g’day mate!

My name is Simone Oram and I’m an exchange student studying at Victoria University (VU) here in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

I’ve come all the way from Whittier, California which is in the one and only county of Los Angeles.

Melbourne has been my home away from home for six months now, and boy do I have a lot to say about this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Whether it be about Melbourne’s food, nightlife, university, my ups, my downs, or travelling around this stunning country, I plan to take you along this incredible journey with me.

Simone Oram, VUI blogger selfie by mountains

About me/Melbourne

First off, here is a little about myself.

I am 21 years old and on the road to attaining my bachelor degree in Business Marketing at Sacramento State University.

I’ve always loved travelling, but didn’t officially realise I wanted to study abroad until my second year.

Ever since I could remember, I imagined myself leaving home after high school to be able to encounter an entirely different atmosphere to what I'd experienced growing up.

I certainly did experience this attending a college six hours away. This transition in my life caused me to grow in ways I could never have dreamed of.

Once I began to get used to this new atmosphere, and seeing how it positively changed my life, I was ready to take an even bigger leap.

It took a lot of courage to move across the Earth without knowing a single soul, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

It’s hard to put in words how much this trip has revolutionised my outlook on life.

Living here has truly been a dream.

Somehow, someway my love for this country continues to grow as time moves on.

I decided to do my year of studying abroad in Melbourne because I fell in love with everything it has to offer.

I love this city because it marches to its own drumbeat and never fails to amaze me.

From the food to the fashion to the innumerable hidden gems, Melbourne is truly one in a million.

Simone Oram

VU exchange student

Bachelor of Business (Marketing major)

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