Not sure what kind of job you want in the future? No problem. Answer the following questions and discover your possible dream career – as well as the VCE subjects and uni courses you’ll need to get there.
Good with numbers?
Dream job: accountant, business analyst, human resource adviser, market analyst.
Possible courses:
- accounting and finance
- business administration and human resources
- business analytics
- medical administration
- project management
- science
- supply chain, logistics and international trade.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: accounting, business management, economics, any mathematics.
Like working with your hands?
Dream job: bricklayer, builder, plumber, carpenter, make-up artist, hairdresser.
Possible courses:
- beauty therapy
- bricklaying, plumbing, building and construction
- carpentry
- dermal therapy
- hairdressing
- make-up
- massage
- music
- osteopathy
- physiotherapy
- science
- tourism, hospitality and events.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: automotive, building and construction, electrical industry, engineering, furnishing, hospitality, interactive digital media.
Love to write?
Dream job: scriptwriter, journalist, writer, editor, marketing/public relations coordinator, radio/television producer.
Possible courses:
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: literature, drama, theatre studies, media, business management.
Enjoy being creative & artistic?
Dream job: artist, festival director, music producer, graphic designer, author, poet.
Possible courses:
- communication, professional and creative writing
- creative arts
- digital and interactive media
- music
- marketing
- screen media.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: visual communication design, art, studio arts, music, media, product design and technology, literature, theatre studies.
Interested in health?
Dream job: osteopath, nurse, paramedic, dietitian, forensic scientist, wellness consultant.
Possible courses:
- biomedical sciences
- dermal therapy
- health sciences
- massage
- medical administration
- midwifery
- nursing
- nutrition and food sciences
- osteopathy
- paramedicine
- physiotherapy
- psychology
- public health.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: biology, chemistry, physics, health and human development, biology, physical education, any mathematics.
Like helping people?
Dream job: community services worker, lawyer, international aid worker, social worker, youth worker.
Possible courses:
- aged care
- community development
- community services
- criminal justice and criminology
- laws and legal services
- migration law
- nursing
- professional legal development
- psychology
- social work
- speech pathology
- youth work.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: psychology, global politics, Australian politics, legal studies.
Want to design & build our cities?
Dream job: draftsperson, engineer, industrial engineer, surveying technician, engineering technician
Possible courses:
- building engineering and construction
- built environment
- civil, electrical and electronic, or mechanical engineering
- surveying.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: product design and technology, systems engineering, physics, chemistry, any mathematics.
Great with computers?
Dream job: applications developer, programmer, systems analyst, technical and user support, software engineer.
Possible courses:
- cyber security and cloud computing
- digital media and technology
- electrical and electronic engineering
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
- information systems management
- IT networks and security
- web and mobile applications development.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: software development, product design and technology, informatics, and mathematics.
Love sport?
Dream job: exercise physiologist, fitness instructor, PE teacher, program development coordinator, remedial/sports massage therapist, sports coach.
Possible courses:
- exercise science and human movement
- fitness
- outdoor recreation
- physical education
- physiotherapy
- remedial massage
- sport management
- sport science
- sport coaching.
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: physical education, health and human development.
Want to help people learn?
Dream job: childcare supervisor, primary or secondary school teacher, training manager or assessor, teacher aide.
Possible courses:
Relevant VCE subjects to consider: any mathematics.