Victoria University and the Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) were proud to present the sixth biennial conference in July 2019, focusing on issues facing Timor-Leste's development.
The 2019 conference focused on Young People and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), building on the work of the 2017 conference.
Engaging Young People in the Sustainable Development Goals
Five themes were explored, which you can read about below:
End hunger & malnutrition & achieve sustainable life on the land
Encourage youth to share their knowledge learnt in school and university in rural areas to revitalise family farms and address land degradation. Help create local food markets, and promote knowledge of nutritious food preparation using healthy local produce.
Focus SDGs 2 & 15
Community health including clean water & sanitation
Promote healthy lifestyles, including a reduction in smoking, drugs and traffic accidents, prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Promote community action to address lack of water and sanitation, and knowledge of associated health issues.
Focus SDGs 3 & 6
Decent work & sustainable cities & communities
Promote youth enterprise, cooperatives and the solidarity economy to establish sustainable businesses in local marketing, housing, public transport, recycling of rubbish etc.
Focus SDGs 8 & 11
Responsible production & consumption; climate action & marine life
Reduce the use of packaging, promote recycling, promote purchase of local produce, promote energy efficient lighting and cooking, promote awareness of issues of the marine environment and livelihoods which can be gained from the seas.
Focus SDGs 12, 13 & 14
Peace, justice & education for women & girls
Reduce discrimination against, and intimidation of women and girls in schools and universities. In society promote men against violence education, gender equality and reproductive health knowledge amongst youth
Focus SDGs 4, 5 & 16

Ego Lemos presenting at the 2019 Conference
For further information
Dr Ann Wigglesworth
Project Coordinator: UNTL/VU Biennial Conference 2019
Dr Helen Hill
Honorary Fellow - Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities (Victoria University)
Universidade Nacional Timor Loro Sa'e
Phone: +670 7728 3335