This unit (BCO2041) examines the methods, tools and techniques used by business analysts in the analysis and design stages of systems development. Students investigate current business practices and tools for constructing system requirements that will enable them to build on their knowledge base and acquire the skills necessary for them to identify and document client needs and systems requirements, and to model data and additionally design functional processes. Students also examine important principles and methods used in the design phase such as input and output design, interface design using useability guidelines, prototyping and software architecture.

Unit details

Online Real Time
Study level:
Credit points:
Unit code:


BCO2000 - Business Process Modelling

Pre-requisite does not apply to students completing ESPBUS Education - Business Studies.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
  1. Compare and evaluate alternative methodologies used in developing business information systems;  
  2. Adapt skills to model and design logical and physical systems using a variety of tools, techniques and methods;  
  3. Interpret recommendations from different development problems and scenarios, justifying the recommendations made with reference to salient contextual considerations of local/global settings;  
  4. Investigate, analyse and argue key topics relating to systems analysis and design;  
  5. Develop prototypes of computer based information systems demonstrating initiative and problem-solving judgements to meet simulated client briefs; and  
  6. Employ effective interpersonal and professional skills to collaborate with and influence team members to achieve a negotiated team outcome while maintaining responsibility and accountability for their own learning and work.  


Melbourne campuses

Students studying under the VU Block Model.

Assessment type Description Grade
Test Online Quiz 20%
Case Study Group Case Study part 1 25%
Case Study Group Case Study part 2 25%
Test In-Class Test (Multiple Choice and Short Answer) 30%

Other locations

Assessment type Description Grade
Case Study Group Case Study part 1 20%
Case Study Group Case Study part 2 20%
Examination Final Examination 60%

Required reading

Systems Analysis and Design (6th ed.).
Dennis A., Wixom B. H., & Roth R. M. (2015).
Milton, QLD: Wiley.

Where to next?

VU takes care to ensure the accuracy of this unit information, but reserves the right to change or withdraw courses offered at any time. Please check that unit information is current with the Student Contact Centre.