Develop the skills for a rewarding career supporting and empowering people with disabilities with a Certificate IV in Disability Support CHC43121 at Victoria University.
You’ll learn to provide support and training to people with disabilities in community-based and residential settings. You can make a genuine difference to the lives of the people you work with, enabling them to be more independent and increasing their quality of life.
This course will give you the skills and knowledge to:
- facilitate the empowerment of people with disability
- provide individualised support
- develop and provide person-centred service responses
- supervise or coordinate a small group.
You’ll gain valuable professional experience by completing a minimum of 70 hours of placement, which will allow you to put your theoretical learning into practice.
You will extend your skills with classes on:
- social inclusion
- diverse and complex needs
- trauma-informed care
- non-verbal communication techniques
- autism.
Free TAFE - apply now
Eligible students currently won’t pay tuition fees for this course.
Free TAFE courses align with skills and jobs that are in high demand from Victorian employers.
Find out more about Free TAFE.
Vaccine requirements
Certain vaccines are now required for some healthcare workers. Prior to commencing practical placement, it is recommended you:
- provide evidence of having the influenza vaccine
- Provide evidence of having the COVID-19 vaccine (unless an exception applies):
- fully vaccinated if under 18 years old
- fully vaccinated (boosted) if 18 years and over.
Find out more about vaccination requirements for healthworkers.
Practical placement
Everything you learn at Victoria University has direct links to the real world.
Our teachers maintain strong industry connection and possess the latest industry-standard skills and knowledge.
Throughout your course you will complete minimum 70 hours of placement in industry.
Note: hours and days may vary, and you may be required to travel outside of your usual location to attend placement.
This hands on experience is invaluable for your development.
Community-focused place to study
Victoria University believes in inclusivity, diversity and opportunity. We have a strong history of community engagement, working with organisations in the region to develop programs that meet local needs.
These partnerships benefit the communities near each of our campuses, and benefit our students too. By contributing to local projects, we can ensure our students’ skills are well matched to opportunities in the region, and create networks for future employment.
Learning advice
VU’s Learning Hubs are welcoming spaces where you can improve your study and employability skills.
Our students can attend Learning Hubs at one of five VU campuses.
We offer maths, writing, careers and English-language advice, and show you effective ways to study and manage your time.
Our programs include:
- workshops
- drop-in sessions
- peer mentoring
- maths and writing resources
- resume and career guidance.
We also have accessibility support services and counselling services available for all students.
Need some advice?
Request a call back from one of our experienced VUHQ course advisers to get your questions answered.
Request a call backTAFE resources
No tuition fees for eligible students. - Fee subsidies
Careers in disability services
The welfare and community services sector is one of Australia’s fastest growing sectors, and is expected to continue growing (Labour Market Insights). With a Certificate IV in Disability Support CHC43121 from Victoria University, you’ll be equipped to provide support and training to people with disabilities. You’ll be able to help them to be more independent and self-reliant in community-based and residential settings.
You’ll find employment options in:
- residential group homes
- training resource centres
- day respite centres
- clients’ homes
- open employment services
- other community settings.
Learn more about careers in the disability sector.
Job titles
Potential job titles include:
- behavioural support officer
- disability support worker
- NDIS planner/support coordinator
- employment coordinator (disability)
- residential facility coordinator
- local area coordinator
- social educator
- job coordinator
- lifestyle support worker
- day program coordinator
- team leader.
Course structure
To be awarded the CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support, 10 units must be completed consisting of:
- 7 core units
- 3 elective units, of which:
- at least 2 must be from the training package
- up to 1 may be from the training package or any endorsed Training Package or accredited course.
Course structure and units
VU Polytechnic delivers the electives listed in the ‘course structure and units’ below. These electives have been selected based on industry needs, graduate pathways and/or student and teacher feedback. Alternative suitable electives are only available via Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT).
Core units
- Unit code
- Unit code
- Unit code
- Unit code
- Unit code
- Unit code
- Unit code
Elective units
- Unit code
- Unit code
- Unit code
Learning outcomes
This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a range of community settings and peoples' homes, who provide support in a manner that empowers people with disabilities to achieve greater levels of independence, self-reliance, community participation and well-being. Workers promote a person-centred approach, work according to and may contribute to an individualised plan, and work without direct supervision. They may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a small team.
Fees & scholarships
Fee type for this course: VET
Fee type definitions
The amount you pay for your course depends on whether you’re offered a government subsidised place or a full fee-paying place.
Students who enrol in a:
- government subsidised place pay subsidised tuition fees (the government contributes the rest), and may be required to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee along with any material fees
- full fee-paying place pay the full fee tuition rate (which includes Student Services and Amenities Fee and any material fees).
Calculate your VET course fees.
Find out more about:
- the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
- ways to pay your fees
- important fee dates
- how to apply for a VE/TAFE refund
Scholarships & assistance
Apply for a scholarship to help with your study costs.
We can help with fee assistance and advice.
Admission & pathways
Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee you entry into this course. Some courses receive more applications than the number of places available. In this situation we will also assess your education, work and other relevant experience.
If you do not meet the minimum requirements you may be eligible for one of our special admission programs.
Find out more about how to apply for our courses, and our commitment to admissions transparency.
Entry requirements
Entry to the CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support requires successful completion of ONE of the following:
- CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
- CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
- CHC30408 Certificate III in Disability and the CHCSS00125 Entry to Certificate IV in Disability Support Skill Set.
Applicants must also complete to determine suitability:
- Pre-training Review (PTR)
- Literacy and numeracy assessment.
Practical Placement:
For employment and practical placement purposes, this vocational sector typically requires:
- a current and clear Police Record Check
- a current and clear NDIS Worker Screening Check
- a valid Working with Children Check
- evidence of influenza vaccination
- evidence of COVID-19 vaccination (unless an exception applies)
- fully vaccinated if under 18 years old
- fully vaccinated (boosted) if 18 years and over.
For further information visit:
- Immunisation: https://www.health.vic.gov.au/immunisation/vaccination-for-healthcare-workers
- Police Record Check - http://www.police.vic.gov.au/content.asp
- NDIS Worker Screening Check - https://www.service.vic.gov.au/services/national-disability-insurance-scheme
- Working with Children Check - http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
Pathways from VU courses
There are many ways you can start your education journey at VU. Pathways offer an easy transition between courses at different levels, so that you can start with a certificate and progress right through to postgraduate study.
Find out more about pathways and credits.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Use our credit calculator to find out how much credit you could get towards your course, based on your previous study.
You may be able to complete your qualification sooner through formal recognition of your existing skills. This is known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
To receive RPL, we assess your previous work, education and life experiences against recognised qualifications. Applications for RPL can be made prior to enrolling.
Call us on 1300 TAFE VP (1300 823 387) to discuss RPL options with the course manager.
How to apply
Prior to enrolment, all applicants will be required to complete a literacy and numeracy assessment to assist with determining eligibility and to identify learning support needs.
Available start dates:
- 24 July 2025
Before you apply
Before starting your application, please read through the step-by-step VU Polytechnic application process to make sure you have all the necessary documents and information ready to successfully complete your application.
Before applying, you should consider whether you also want to apply for:
- Credit transfer/Recognition of prior learning (RPL): If you have significant experience or studies elsewhere you may be eligible for credit for some units of your course and not have to undertake them.
Apply direct to VU
Direct applications are due on 14 July 2025 for our next intake which starts on 24 July 2025.
Already a VU student?
If you are already a VU student, apply direct to VU using our Admissions centre to transfer into this course. Remember it’s best to be accepted into your new course before withdrawing from your current one.
After you apply
- It’s important to check for emails from us (which may go to your spam/junk folder).
- Complete any requests for information by the given dates, otherwise your application may not be considered
Enquire now – TAFE
Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you shortly.
Get help
- Visit a student service centre
- 1300 VIC UNI (1300 842 864)
- Request a call back
- Visit the glossary
Please note that if changes to this course occur, VU will notify students as soon as possible.
At Victoria University, we aim to display accurate and complete course information online. However, we are unable to guarantee that every course change is currently displayed. You may contact the University directly on +61 3 9919 6100 to confirm the most up-to-date course fees, pathways and credit transfer, recognition of prior learning, admission and enrolment procedures, examinations and services available to our students.