4 hours
Delivery mode: 
Face to Face


Develop and enhance your effective coaching and mentoring skills with the Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring Skills short course at Victoria University Polytechnic.

This professional-development workshop is suitable for individuals from any industry, job role, community or sporting organisation.

It provides participants with a foundational awareness and understanding of effective coaching and mentoring skills

At the completion of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • effectively utilise Active Listening Skills
  • identify and set goals and objectives
  • provide constructive feedback.

Learning outcomes

This professional development program is offered to individuals, who are seeking to develop and enhance their foundational awareness and understanding of coaching and mentoring skills.It is anticipated that the participants will be existing workers with a range of experiences in diverse workplace contexts.

The program is delivered over a half day (4 hours) via an online platform, the facilitator will provide an overview of the platform being utilised and expectations of participation, including the use of microphones. During this introduction, the facilitator will also ensure participant technology issues are identified and addressed.

At the completion of the workshop participants will:

•know how to use effective Active Listening skills

•identify and set goals and objectives

•understand how to provide constructive feedback

Admission & pathways

Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee you entry into this course. Some courses receive more applications than the number of places available. In this situation we will also assess your education, work and other relevant experience.

Find out more about how to apply for our courses, and our commitment to admissions transparency.

This course has no specific admission requirements.

The program requires participants to have basic level computer skills to access and operate the online learning software to navigate a webpage and find information, attend a webinar using zoom or webex for online delivery. If the course is being delivered face-to-face onsite, computer access is not required.

How to register

Registrations are currently closed.

Contact us

Phone: 1300 82 33 87
Email: vupolyshortcourses@vu.edu.au

Enquire now

Please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you shortly.

Information marked with an asterisk "*" is required.

At Victoria University, we aim to display accurate and complete course information online. However, we are unable to guarantee that every course change is currently displayed. You may contact the University directly on +61 3 9919 6100 to confirm the most up-to-date course fees, pathways and credit transfer, recognition of prior learning, admission and enrolment procedures, examinations and services available to our students.