Resources for sport organisations to improve access to sport for people with disability, in particular people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island backgrounds. Key resources include:

  • Winyarr Ganbina – Women Arise: Insights to create inclusive communities for people with disability (video)
  • Outback Academy Australia – Red Dust Heelers: Checklist for an Inclusive Community Sports Organisation

This project was funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

Winyarr Ganbina – Women Arise

Insights to create inclusive communities for people with disability

For the first time in Australia, Victoria University in partnership with Outback Academy Australia and Paralympics Australia have recorded the experiences of Indigenous women with a disability who play sport.

Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Production company: TypeCast Entertainment.

Screen end: Funded by the Australian Govt Dept of Social Services: logos, Victoria University, Outback Academy Australia, Paralympics Australia, Production Company typecast entertainment

Outback Academy Australia – Red Dust Heelers

Checklist for an Inclusive Community Sports Organisation

Outback Academy Australia – Red Dust Heelers have created a range of actions that sport organisations can implement to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for Indigenous people with a disability, as players and leaders in sport.

Read the Outback Academy Australia – Red Dust Heelers' suggested actions.

Group of people, some Indigenous, some in wheelchairs, on dry, red earth outside a building