Compared to high school, university is an entirely different ball game. For instance, nobody will stop you from skipping class or push you to do your homework – those decisions are entirely yours.

Whether you find uni liberating from day one, or a little overwhelming, it’s important to remember that the transition from high school to uni is just that – a transition. Soon enough, you’ll find your groove.

Here are three tips to help ease you into uni life.

1. Actually go to O-Fest

O-Fest, VU's orientation, is hands-down the best way to become familiar with uni life, in a fun and relaxed environment, according to recent Bachelor of Education (P-12) graduate Troy Flores.

O-Fest helped me the most. I got to know my teachers and I got a proper tour of the campus. After that, things didn’t seem so big anymore

All of VU’s clubs and social groups come out to play at O-Fest. So whether you’re passionate about hiking, urban gardening, politics, the arts or AFL, it's the perfect opportunity to find your tribe. O-Fest is also a great way to let your hair down before uni kicks off.

Alice Growden, Bachelor of Commerce (Applied Finance)/Law alum, used O-Fest to sign up for a whole host of university experiences. She joined VU’s Dictum Society and has helped publish several law-based articles, and she has volunteered for various leadership positions.

“I signed up to become a student ambassador. This position really boosted my confidence and helped me make a heap of new friends,” she says.

2. Make the most of support services

Writing your first uni assignment can be pretty daunting. Sure, you’ve written essays throughout high school, but uni essays are very different. I mean, don’t even get me started on referencing!

“Starting uni was tough for many reasons, but changing to an academic way of writing was the hardest thing for me,” says Flores.

I ended up getting help from a student writing mentor at the library and compared my work to examples on the website.

You don’t have to struggle alone – there’s plenty of help to be found at VU. We have student advisers on hand to connect you with the specific type of support you need.

3. Buddy up

Your uni friends and study buddies are the ones that will cram late into the night with you, buy you a coffee the next morning and celebrate the successes. But where do you find them? According to Growden and Flores, right here:

And when all else fails, put yourself out there.

Introduce yourself in classes! It’s nerve-wracking but every time I’ve done it, I’ve made friends!

It’s clear that new students have a lot to cope with, which is why VU introduced the revolutionary VU Block Model®. This means you won't have to juggle four units at once; instead, you'll complete one unit at a time, before moving on to the next. You'll also study in smaller classes rather than feeling lost in a lecture theatre. This gives you more time to settle in – and the headspace to make new mates and memories.