So you’re interested in law, but not keen on a life in court? Whether you're returning to study or just starting out, a law qualification offers countless career options in one degree.

A Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry) can lead to so many possible futures – and not just those that immediately come to mind, like working in corporate firms or barristers' chambers.

Here we take a look at just some of the exciting alternative career paths you can follow when you study law.

Consider your options

Having a law degree doesn’t mean you have to become – or stay – a lawyer. The knowledge and practical experience you gain at VU during your legal training prepares you for, well, just about anything.

1. Project management

You’ve learned how to manage difficult cases and files, and coordinate stakeholders and clients, so your skills in PM are first-class! Find out more about becoming a project manager.

2. Legal recruitment

You know what makes a good lawyer, and have a great understanding of what organisations are looking for.

3. Academia

You know your field inside out – teaching is perfect if you’re passionate about giving back to the next generation of lawyers.

4. Mediation or public advocacy

You’re driven by justice and representing those without legal know-how, and resolving disputes before they end up in court.

During her law degree, Elizabeta Nikolovski was working on placement at a law firm, when she realised she didn’t want to practise law in the traditional way:

I really loved alternative dispute resolution, so I applied for a job at a major ombudsmen organisation. The role was a great fit for me as it drew on my knowledge of the law – concepts like administrative law, privacy, ADR, contracts and trusts.

“I love that I’m in a position with such variety that can effect real change – both internally as well as through helping our customers resolve disputes,” she says.

5. Policy or legal advising

You’ll be in high demand as companies big and small, government and not-for-profit are always seeking legal advisers and consultants.

6. Community services

With your practical, pro-bono experience in the community and social justice, you’d be well suited to working marginalised or at-risk community members or family services.

7. Migration law

If you want to help people realise their dream of making Australia their home, become a Migration Lawyer.

8. Law enforcement

Your legal background is the perfect preparation for making a difference in the community in the police force.

9. Writing

Your law degree has taught you to write persuasively, be creative and analyse and interpret complex information.

10. In the public eye: from politics to performing arts

Malcolm Turnbull, Julia Gillard, and Tony Abbott: some of the many Australian Prime Ministers with law degrees. While the top job is a lofty goal, there are many careers in the public service that a law degree would give you a great advantage. Meanwhile, did you know some of Australia’s most successful comedians also hold law degrees? All that mooting must have helped prepare them for their stand-up routines!

From advocacy to politics, a law degree offers many career options.

Become a double-threat lawyer

If you’re passionate about law – but you’ve also got a mind for business, a creative side, or you love to figure out what motivates people – consider a double degree. That extra qualification will help you to specialise in a particular field.

With ‘slashes’ such as Business, Arts, Psychology and Criminology, and just one extra year of studies, you will have a distinct advantage to offer employers. You will also have a second qualification that will be useful in future if you consider alternative career options.

Farhan Rehman graduated from a Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts at VU with the critical, social and creative education of an Arts degree – combined with his Law qualification.

Studying Law/Arts at VU equipped me with leadership skills, confidence, a sense of responsibility and knowledge, all of which I apply in my legal practice to this day. As well as being a partner at RSG Lawyers, I am a registered migration agent and a hip hop artist. I regularly speak in Africa and the Middle East for various organisations.

While Rene Nogueira chose to study Law and Engineering at VU – and has forged his career around these two passions.

VU ensures that you gain practical experience, not just academic experience, and embraces and supports you. After graduating I became the commercial manager of a multibillion dollar program, managing the level crossing removals program for Metro Trains Melbourne, which used both my engineering and legal mindsets to solve problems.

Want to know more about studying Law at VU

Discover our law and justice programs, the VU Block Model, our student stories and how our focus on practical workplace gives you a distinct advantage.

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