Disordered eating is a huge problem & not just because it can lead to an eating disorder
1st June 2023
Disordered eating is a largely ignored issue that affects more people than eating disorders.

Mem Fox’s book banned in Florida as ‘pornography’ – but bathing is not a sexual act
17th May 2023
Mem Fox's book Guess What? has joined a number of books with LGBTQIA+ or culturally diverse themes in being removed from Florida school libraries.

Australia has way more PhD graduates than academic jobs. Here’s how to rethink doctoral degrees
15th May 2023
The dream of pursuing an academic career for Australian's completing PhD's is becoming increasingly far-fetched.

Why unis & vocational colleges are key to Australia’s temporary migration challenge
10th May 2023
Migraiton levels fell during the pandemic, but in 2023 numbers are booming - with international students have led the growth of this group.

Is sport (participation) a public or a private good?
24th April 2023
VU researcher Hans Westerbeek discusses whether sport participation is a public good - and if so, whether opportunities should be funded by government.

Do supplements like sports gels provide benefits that food can't?
13th April 2023
Running gels and protein powders can be convenient boosts for athletes, but be sure to read the label.

The AI revolution in higher education
12th April 2023
Generative AI like ChatGPT is set to disrupt the ways universities function. Here's how we can minimise the challenges and risks.