Logging in
We recommend that you use Google Chrome as the preferred browser.
Use MyVU to log in to VU Collaborate.
Log in with your username in the following format, s0000000@live.vu.edu.au (for students) or e0000000@vu.edu.au (for staff) and your MyVU password.
Once logged in to MyVU, click on the VU Collaborate link in the side menu.
Units or online spaces
All students have access to a Student Induction Space.
The Student Induction Space allows you to try out VU Collaborate as a student and learn more about the common tools that can support you in your studies.
Other units or online spaces will be available on VU Collaborate one week before semester begins – if you are unsure about anything, ask your lecturer or teacher.
Your previous units and courses are now on VU Collaborate, unless otherwise specified by your instructor.