SSAF Student Experience Initiative grants give you the opportunity to plan and deliver a project that benefits VU students.

You can apply for a SSAF Student Experience Initiative Grant as an individual or a group. Grants are available for amounts between $500 and $10,000.

If you have more than one great idea, that’s okay! There’s no limit to the number of applications you can make.

Your grant funds come directly from the student services and amenities fee (SSAF), so it’s your opportunity to make great things happen at VU.

Applications are now closed.

View the 2022 SSAF Student Experience Initiative Grant outcomes.

Application criteria

Applications will be assessed by the SSAF Consultative Committee, made up of student and staff representatives.

The panel will allocate funds according to how applications address one or more of the government-prescribed purposes for SSAF revenue as well as the ranking criteria outlined below.

SSAF legislation dictates that any SSAF-funded activity must contribute to the student experience in one or more of the following ways:

  • providing food or drink to students on campus
  • supporting a sporting or other recreational activity by students
  • supporting the administration of a club most of whose members are students
  • caring for children of students
  • providing legal services to students
  • promoting the health or welfare of students
  • helping students secure accommodation
  • helping students obtain employment or advice on careers
  • helping students with their financial affairs
  • helping students obtain insurance against personal accidents
  • supporting debating by students
  • providing libraries and reading rooms (other than those provided for academic purposes) for students
  • supporting an artistic activity by students
  • supporting the production and dissemination to students of media whose content is provided by students
  • helping students develop skills for study, by means other than undertaking courses of study in which they are enrolled
  • advising on matters arising under Victoria University’s rules
  • advocating students’ interests in matters arising under Victoria University’s rules
  • giving students information to help them in their orientation
  • helping meet the specific needs of overseas students relating to their welfare, accommodation and employment.

Applications will be ranked by these criteria:

  • reach and impact: demonstrated benefit to a broad population of students
  • collaboration: demonstrated project outcome of forming a community of practice involving students and staff from across VU
  • diversity: benefits of participation for diverse groups of students and staff (gender, sexuality, cultural, age).

Assessment & award process

Find out what happens to your application once you submit.

A selection panel consisting two staff and two student members of the SSAF Consultative Committee (SSAF CC) will assess applications and make recommendations to the SSAF CC for final approval. The following criteria will be used in assessing applications:

  • alignment with SSAF eligible activities as defined by federal legislation
  • reach and impact: demonstrated benefit to a broad section of students
  • collaboration: forming a community of practice involving students and staff from across VU
  • diversity: benefits for diverse groups of students and staff (campus, HE/VE, gender, sexuality, culture, age).

One week after closing date:

  • The SSAF Consultative Committee (SSAF CC) evaluates applications and allocate grants.
  • Applicants are advised of their outcome via email.
  • Unsuccessful applicants are given feedback on their applications.
  • Successful applications are published at

Two weeks after closing date, recipients will be advised how to draw down funds from the SSAF SEI Grant Cost Centre.

Apply now

Applications are now closed.

Email queries to

Successful applicants

Now the exciting part begins – you get to put your grant money to use!

You will also gain experience creating marketing material and writing reports.

Brand & media

If your project is funded, you need to use the statement “A SSAF funded initiative” on any public communications or marketing material.

VU may photograph or film parts of your project. You may request for particular aspects of your project to be documented. The rights to this media reside with VU.

Reporting on your project

If you are awarded a substantial grant, you will need to give:

  • monthly progress reports
  • an outcome report at the end of project/semester
  • a presentation at a SSAF Consultative Committee meeting.

Your project will be evaluated through the project evaluation in your application form and student satisfaction surveys.

Completing your project

All grant recipients (you/your team) must submit a SSAF progress report and a final outcome report via email to

You will need to pay back the funds if the:

  • progress report and final outcome report are not completed – return 100% of the funds.
  • project is only partially completed – return a portion of the funds, by negotiation.
  • project is cancelled – return 100% of the funds.