Share your faith with other VU students and join one of our religious or spiritual clubs.

Australian Christian Fellowship

The Australian Christian Fellowship is affiliated with the 7th Day Adventist Church. 

Get in touch if you're interested in joining us for worship and social activities.


Islamic Society of Victoria University

The Islamic Society of Victoria University (ISVU) is a student-run group which aims to provide a welcoming Islamic environment for Muslim & Non-Muslim students.

We hold social and religious events both on and off campus. This includes events such as Halaqahs, Grand Iftars, Picnics, Islamic Workshops/Lectures, BBQs, as well as Sister only & Brother only events!

Become a member

Join our Committee

Instagram: Islamic Society of VU


Please check out our Prayer Room locations for all the VU campuses.

PlanetUNI VU

At planetUNI we believe that university life is much more than just libraries, examinations, and tutorials.

We are a student club associated with Planetshakers Church and we would love to meet you!

We run drug-and-alcohol free social events, and we love to give out free stuff. (Did we say free? Yes we did!)

We hold our events all year around. If you aren’t a member, you can sign up at any of our events (and it’s free!).

Get in touch