LEAD: Learn. Evolve. Aspire. Develop.

The LEAD program is a free, interactive and engaging leadership training program for current students. It is designed to help you become a more effective leader, build important workplace skills and boost your employability through a combination of workshops, activities and online modules that you can complete over the course of your studies.

Once you have completed the requirements, the LEAD Program will be included on your VU Extra Transcript.

Register your interest for 2024

The LEAD Program is funded by the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

What will I learn?

The LEAD program focuses on:

  • developing your self-understanding
  • personal goal setting
  • listening, connecting and communicating
  • negotiating and networking
  • team roles and dynamics
  • leadership styles
  • practising your skills in the community.
 students at a leadership workshop

How long does it take?

The first part of your LEAD Program journey is introductory workshop LEAD - Your Leadership Journey (a compulsory 3.5 hour workshop). You will learn about different styles of leadership, the importance of communication, how to effectively plan to achieve goals and how to successfully lead yourself and others.

You will also need to complete the online Respect & Responsibility training (approximately 1 hour).

The rest of the program can be completed over the course of your studies and includes a range of workshops and activities that you can choose from based on your leadership goals.


Participating in the LEAD Program has made me feel more connected to the University and student life that I ever had in my previous years of study prior to commencing the program.

VU Extra Transcript

The LEAD Program will be included on your VU Extra transcript once you have completed the minimum requirements of the program:

  • attending the introductory workshop LEAD: Your Leadership Journey
  • completing the online Bystander Awareness and Action module
  • earning 30 Leadership Points (LP) in the Leadership workshops section
  • earning 30 Leadership Points (LP) in the Leadership activities section.

If you would like to continue to develop your leadership skills, you can continue to earn Leadership Points by completing additional workshops and activities.

Leadership workshops

Earn 30 points (or more) by attending a combination of the following:

  • LEAD workshop: Communication for leaders (10 LP)
  • LEAD workshop: Working with teams (10 LP)
  • LEAD workshop: Introduction to conflict management (10 LP)
  • LEAD workshop: The emotionally intelligent leader (10 LP)
  • LEAD workshop: Feedback to move forward (10 LP)
  • Learning Hub skill development workshop: Digital citizenship Level 1 (5 LP)
  • Learning Hub skill development workshop: Great presentations (5 LP).

Leadership activities

Earn 30 points (or more) through skill-building activities such as:

To have the LEAD Program recognised on your VU Extra Transcript in time for graduation, make sure you submit your evidence of completion by the following dates:

  • March graduation: 31 January 2024
  • September graduation: 31 July 2024

Read the VU Extra Transcript policy for more information.

 student at Student Leadership Conference


The LEAD Program has given me exposure to an aspect of VU that I would not have otherwise seen, and allowed me to interact with some great role models and gain a lot of confidence and skills.


I met some friends, and learnt some strategies for being a leader which has helped me a lot in my placement.


I’ve had more opportunity to network with others outside my discipline, as well as learning some new leadership qualities and reinforcing those I already had.

Contact us

Contact us for more information about the LEAD program.

Email: lead@vu.edu.au
Phone: +61 3 9919 9141