If you experience or witness inappropriate online conduct, help is available. You are always welcome and encouraged to contact VU’s Safer Community Unit for advice and assistance. Safer Community also help you if you decide you want to progress the matter to a formal complaint.
Don't ignore or minimise bad behaviour online because you're concerned about rocking the boat – your safety and wellbeing, and that of other people who may also be affected but are less able to speak up, is important to us and we will take action to help.
Resources are available outside of VU to help you also. You may find useful advice and assistance from the following services.
eSafety Commissioner
The eSafety Commissioner investigates offensive and illegal online content and work towards rapid removal. The website outlines the process for reporting online abuse.
The eSafety Commissioner has a training program designed for university support staff in areas such as student services, safety and wellbeing and human resources and covers latest online safety risks to young adults and proactive online safety strategies and highlights best practice responses to online safety incidents in a university context.
A toolkit is also available and provides targeted advice to assist university policy makers and non-academic staff, academics and other teaching staff and students deal with online abuse and its impacts.
Other resources
ThinkUKnow - Helpful site full of tips on how to stay in control on the web.
A Thin Line - A US site that helps you draw the line between digital use and digital abuse.
That's Not Cool - An interactive site from the US that's all about where you draw your digital line.
Youth Central - Advice about understanding the consequences of online actions, knowing what to do if things go wrong, and understanding online security can make your time online safer and more enjoyable.