The Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) collects eligible research publications and research income for reporting to the Federal Government. The quantity of income and publications reported has a direct effect on the amount of Research Block Grant funding allocated to the university.

In addition to HERDC publications, we also collect categories that are not specified in the HERDC Specifications. The additional outputs will be used for Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) and other reporting.

What we collect

Research funding information:

  • Australian competitive grant funding
  • State government and industry research contracts
  • International higher degree student fees
  • CRC Income.

Research categories

Income received by the University can be counted towards the Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC), provided that the funding is granted for research purposes and meets all HERDC criteria. The four HERDC research income categories are as follows:

Category 1

A small set of research grants that meet certain eligibility criteria are placed on the Australian Competitive Grants Register (ACGR). These grants are classified as Category 1 opportunities , are highly competitive and available to researchers Australia-wide.

Category 1 income is the most advantageous to the University, both financially and reputationally, while Category 2, 3 and 4 income provides the same financial benefit.

Category 2

Research income that derives from all areas of the public sector is classified as Category 2. This includes Federal, State / Territory, and Local levels of government, as well as government business enterprises.

Category 3

Research income that falls under Category 3 includes funding from Australian industry, philanthropy, and other non-government sources, together with all sources of international funding.

Category 4

A specific category  to cover the funding arrangements of Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs), Category 4 designates research income (from all  external sources) that flows to the University as part of a CRC.

Contact us

For further information about the HERDC, please contact:

Alex Skevofylakas, Manager, Research Information Systems & Reporting
+61 3 9919 5742 |